So, just because I recently tested a few things..
Here are my latest results
No3: 50
Po4: .16
Alk: 7
Calc: 410
Mag: 1350
K: 400-430. Did a couple tests and varying results.
Those nutrient readings bother me a lot. N may still be climbing..
I got most of my siporax installed in the sump and I have added a bit more flow in the sump just to get some water moving around the containers.
I have also started using AF's pro bio and Continuum's Bacter gen m along with 4 drops (only) of np pro in an attempt to control the nutrient rise a little.
I am using a 1/3 dose of np pro just to try to get nutrient moving slightly downward instead of upwards!
Hopefully, it'll at least halt the rise.
So, this is a shot I take a lot but recently, it's been looking better than usual.
The orange coral is referred to around here as 24k and purple is a mystery coral as far as I know..
Here's the artsy fartsy macro:
The purple coral is one tough customer. It either kills or railroads any coral it comes into contact with. Here, you can see that it has completely surrounded the base of the 24k.. I will probably have to eventually break it off and more it or the purple beast will swallow it right up. You can also see where it is encroaching on the coral in the upper right. I really wish this one would take off.. I think it'll be very pretty if it grows..
This is a cool macro of a Red Bull or Red Robin or some red coral that went brown during the alk drop but the red is now recolonizing the coral.. pretty neat..
And here it is up in the centre island with my orange passion and pink can see that parts are more intensely red than others. It gets more and more uniformly red each week.. too bad the orange passion won't take a hint from it and get some orange polyps!!!
Never get tired of seeing your pics matt
Colors are great Matt! You're in the same boat as me 50ppm in my 60 gallon and waiting for Siporax to kick in. I've been overdosing Pro Bio S on the weekends (when I'm around the tank) to hopefully help kickstart things. Why only 1/3 dose of the -NP Pro?
I really just want to see a shift in the direction of nutrients. They seem to be still rising and I just want to see the momentum start going in the opposite direction - slowly.
Hopefully a 1/3 dose will just nudge nutrients downwards.
Hopefully, in a few months, I won't need the np pro at all. Or even more hopefully, I'll be able to dose no3 and np pro to naturally reduce my p and be able to stop using so much gfo..... that's a lot of hope!!![]()
Well, with 50 ppm nitrates. It ain't hard to get some rich colours, that's for sure.I don't know Matt, I do like the new photos of richer colours than the pale type.
That's just refreshing to say the least and the none blue disco lights photos.
Keep them coming. LOL
Thanks!very nice tank Matt!
Getting some nice colors and growth in there!
Thanks, Mark. Yes. The bonsai is not rare but it is quite unique. That purple body and intense green polyp is special.I love those pictures. Beautiful acro, colors and photos. I also recently added a bonsai frag, it may not be rare but it sure is beautiful.
lol reefmutt!!
Thanks for giving kudos to Big E. Just finished his thread and man he has some sick sticks too!!!!
I am sooooooo inspired by you guys!!!!!
Ok.. some shots
This was sold to me as a red dragon 'that needed to colour up' well it never did but it's quite beautiful in its growth structure and pale peachy colour:
Back a bit..
Here's that 24k purple acro monster combo from the front glass:
Here's a bonsai that was completely shaded and burned by furiosa until it succumbed to the alk swing and died.. now the bonsai is happy!
Here's burning man and the eye of a cardinal
Another burning man shot..
Few more to follow..