Wow Matt great pics! Sorry to ask again if you answered this already but what lens are you using and are you cropping much? The detail is great!
Hey Tim, thanks! I forgot to mention that those were all taken with my canon 100mm f2.8L macro lens.
Depending on the depth of the coral I am trying to shoot, I will definitely crop to fill the frame with the coral.
With macros,I always try to really get the coral right to the edges of the frame. And when the coral is a little farther away or I want to eccentuate a particular part of the image, I will crop.
Sometimes, just for aesthetics, I will crop out empty space or just to alter the dimensions of the image.
For example, the bonsai shot is cropped dramatically.
Bastard!!!! I hate you more than I hated you before.
ISO 1000!! Your crazy, how many bulbs were runnning?. I want more pics like these! And I don't wanna hear no crap.. you obviously have a secret trap door in your tank where you keep all your treasures!
Wel, Kevin, I know that that hate is really just misdirected love.

There were only 2 x 54w blue plus bulbs over the tank and the two pairs of 24w act/b+ On each side of the tank.
I'm amazed at how well cameras handle high ISOs these days.
Since the alk swing, as I have said, many corals that didn't die, have responded by waking up.
Also, I have gone a ridiculous spending/collection spree since the tank started to recover.
My latest RR Red Diablo, JF Flame and Poison Ivy purchase is a good example of my sickness... but only a fraction of my insanity.
I wil out the brakes on acquisitions for a while, however as don't have any bodily fluids left to sell!!