Your icefire is not looking good, is looking amazing! Pure colors
Whats your current dosing and manteinance routine?
Hey Sergi, thanks! I dose kalkwasser over night and run a ca reactor full time. I try to do a 10% water change every week.
I have a mixture of equal parts reef pearls/reef roids/FM reef vitality that I take a pinch from every night and add it to the tank. I feed 8 cubes of frozen food a day.
Currently, I add no additives. I stopped everything in October when my alk swing shook up the tank.. but his may change.. I am very seriously considering using JBNY's Zinc/iodine/manganese mixture in the near future.
I just recently stopped using god that I was changing weekly because I thought that maybe thencopious amounts were causing the tip burn I am seeing and general 'off' ness of many corals.
I run carbon and change it every two weeks.
I think that covers it..
So happy to see the pictures after all this gloom and doom talk. Looks fantastic, hopefully you solve the little issues with the reset.
Hey Mark thanks but I don't consider this a little issue.. there is a tank wide malaise going on. Besides the tip burn, things just don't seem right to me. Pe isn't great, colours aren't great.. I am going to go through all of my pumps to see if any are starting to split..
Here's a good example of the tip burn I am seeing:

You can also see a coral in the upper right of the pic with the SSCs that is receding a lot.
The corals begin to extend their mesenterial filaments and then within a day or two the flesh is receding.. not sure what it is but I find growth has slowed down on most corals and colour is shifting.. very odd..
Yes there are still many happy corals but I don't like the trend away from happy..
everything is looking great! also very nice pictures!
Thanks, Cody.. I think things should be looking better..
Here are a few more of the 'great' looking corals..
Ice fire from the front:

JFF. Not growing but stable..

Back a bit..

Green I know but I like the shot..

RR fruity pebbles
I got more..