Hi Matt,
Your set up looks very sophisticated. :thumbsup:
Why are you about to remove siporax and matrix?
Hey Bulent, thanks but I would call it sophisticated, just complicated.. actually, it's not really that complicated.. two pumps.. all gravity feeding back to the lowest point.. if I had an apex with all the monitors and controllers, if call it not sophisticated.. it's an old fashioned set up. But it works.. sometimes..
So, I didn't remove the matrix-siporax, I moved it up to the top tank of the left system. I removed the dsb from there, cleaned out the tank and put all the biomedia there.
Speaking of the siporax, I made a couple changes there. I had originally put it in those green plastic drain cover baskets from Home Depot but I was worried that maybe they were leaching something into my water and causing the odd poor health issues on some of the corals, so I pulled them out and put the siporax in some pieces of 3 inch pvc piping and drilled holes in it for low circulation.
Still trying to figure out why some corals have tip recession while others are growing nicely.. not to mention the colour being off in many corals..
This is what the siporax was originally in:

Now they are in pvc:

I don't know if the green plastic was bad or not but I do know that the pvc is safe..
Also speaking of the siporax, I put it in the system back in late December..
N was around 40-50

This is my n today.. marginally better..

Throughout this 3-4 month period, the colours have shifted to browns from reds and purples, tips have receded on many corals and some have rtned or stned.
After looking back at when I had the best growth and colour, it was between 18 months ago through to when I had the alk disaster last October. Throughout that period I was doing a lot of playing with additives and settled on biggles juice.. my recipe being koral color and Micro e at a reduced rate from the recommended dose. I stopped all that last October with the alk disaster and have added nothing since. I have also had poor results since then.. there was a positive rebound in Jan/feb but more recently, I am not happy with what I see in the tank.
So! I decided to stop my spirulina brine shrimp and mysis feeding and went to flakes.. yes flakes. I have been using seachem and Vitalis flakes for about 3 weeks. I did this because of the preservatives contained in these flakes... specifically, the Zinc, manganese, copper, iron amongst others..
I have also begun adding iodine again..
What I have also just started, as of this weekend is Prodibio's biodigest (bacteria) and Bioptim which is a mix of aminos, vitamins and a few trace elements..
from the Prodibio web site:
Bioptim also provides trace elements:
- sulphur for proteins
- iron for plants and fish blood
- cobalt for B vitamins
- calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, molybdenum and potassium
This is what Prodibio says about Bioptim:
Bioptim provides the BioDigest bacteria with the micronutrients needed to optimally purify saltwater and improve water quality.
So, I am going to try these two products in an attempt to dose many- but not all- of the things I was dosing in my biggles juice, as well as add Prodibio's complementary bacteria..
What interests me most about the Bioptim is the manganese, Zinc and potassium..
Prodibio suggests two vials of the bacteria per month which is nice and simple and (more labour intensive) 10 vials of the Bioptim per month.. that's a bit more expensive and complicated.. I think I will add 1 vial every weekend and every mid week for a total of 8 vials per month.
Between the flake food, my calcium reactor and the reefroids - and Vitalis coral food, I am also about to try, all the other things in the Bioptim are already being added..
so here we go.. I'll will obviously keep a photographic journal going of what happens...... if anything!
I'll keep everybody posted.
My motivation for this comes mostly from JBNY's success dosing Zinc, iodine and manganese. But also from others experimenting with this group of elements..