Man great pictures. Thanks for explaining the fish pictures. That is a great way to get them and coral in all the shots.
Thanks. It worked out well. Next time, I'll try with a zoom instead of the macro.. see if it makes a difference..
Damn Matt I really love your pictures!!!
Keep em coming!
Thanks Flo. I'll see what I can do about more
Crazy pics of crazy colored acros Matt, great to see your reef humming again mate
Can i ask if you have safety glass covers between your 150W bulbs and the water and if so how thick is it Matt ?
You know i'm always extremely jealous of your good growth and especially the mauve pigments you keep......... that color is rare to see and i sometimes wonder if it looks like crap color wise to the divers in Aus to explain its lack of collection. Anyway i still have dreams about finding a Furiosa..... rude ones Matt :spin2:
Hey Andrew, thanks, it's getting there but many corals are still fussy..
Definitely have safety glass. The glass that came with the fixtures. Probably 3-4 millimeters.
I would never use mh without the glass. Many years ago I had a 400 ushio bulb crack open while I was away on the weekend. The outer glass just cracked and shifted by about a half inch. That half inch opening cast a wider slice of unfiltered light into the tank. All corals below that 'slice' of light were killed or bleached when I got back..
That bulb was a mogul. My 150s are de, so they don't have that outer protective bulb of glass.
Too bad I can't ship to you, I have a couple of furiosa frags on a rack growing faster than the mother..
Niiiice Matt,
I love that Melanarus you have any standard settings for fish pics? Or some tips?
Is there a current colony shot of that pink matrix............I want to see more of it.
Hey Ed, thanks! I am not a seasoned fish shooter.. I'm trying to get better..
Kevin (Acronic) once said, make sure the eye of the fish is in focus, the rest will follow. Good advice when the fish is parallel to you.
If you can change the way your camera focuses, change it to single point focusing instead of area focusing. That way you can really focus on one point like the fish's eye.
I usually set the ISO to between 640 and 1000 so that the camera can use higher shutter speeds.
I also never use the camera on auto mode. I usually put it in program mode which allows me to change the aperture and causes the camera to compensate with shutter speed changes. With a high ISO, the camera will be able to choose higher shutter speeds when the aperture larger.
If you want the effect of having the background blurred, you don't want to have too small an aperture (which translates to a large aperture number) the smaller the aperture (higher the number) the more depth of focus you will have.
You may well know this concept, Ed, but many don't and it is ALWAYS confusing to me so I'm just explaining it fully..
Whereas with coral shots, you might be inclined to close the aperture down very small (high aperture number) to get as much of the coral in focus (especially using a macro lens), for the fish shots above, I didn't want everything in focus so I opened the aperture up a bit (lowered the number).
The lens used however will change the aperture choices somewhat.. macros and zooms tend to give better bokeh (background blur) than fixed lenses.
I'm really giving all of this info because, well, I don't have the actual settings I used! I pulled the images off my camera and promptly erased the images from the card......
But I think I was at an ISO of 640, shutter speed around 1/350-1/500 which isn't particularly fast but the fish were only crusing around. Not in a hurry. Aperture was probably around 5.6-4.5..
I hope that wasn't tooooo long winded..
As for the pink matrix, I have a couple pieces of it. Two were sold to me as pink matrix and the other as rr lady in pink. But they look identical to me..
I can take more, wider shots of the corals- hopefully later today and I'll post them and indicate the different pieces.
The photo above is from what was called lady in Pink..
Here is a pink matrix arm (OOOPS! This is not the pink matrix. THIS IS THE LADY IN PINK)

Here is a full shot of the pink matrix from April 15.

I'll post a recent shot later..