Learning/rebuilding from my epic fail

That picture from last summer is one of my favorite reef shots ever. Do you mind if I use it to show barren tank what it needs to look like? I'm serious too. I'll print it out and tape it to the glass.
That picture from last summer is one of my favorite reef shots ever. Do you mind if I use it to show barren tank what it needs to look like? I'm serious too. I'll print it out and tape it to the glass.

Thanks! Yeah, it's one of my favs as well!
I don't think your tank will need any help, it'll be spectacular in no time.

Here's a few random colour contrast shots..

This Fiji is getting more orangish in the body with cool blue growth..
Now you're just making fun of us.... :blown: Just gorgeous matey :)

This ^^^^

:) thanks guys..

Here's a little update on the cheato growth.
June 4 right around when cheato went in

June 17

July 3

So n has been coming down nicely but p has not dropped a lot. It's down only about .02. P is Right around .15 from .17 last month..
That would put my n/p ratio fairly close to 100/1.. hm! Look at that!:)
Going to continue to watch and harvest the cheato which is growing very well. In another month or two.. or when I see no more reduction in n, I will begin another form of nutrient reduction..
Otherwise the tank is doing really well.
That's going in the right direction. How has your alk consumption been doing? Are corals growing faster?
That's going in the right direction. How has your alk consumption been doing? Are corals growing faster?

Hey Pife, definitely in the right direction. :)
I would say no, I don't think so. The good growers are good and the slow ones continue to be slow..
Having said that, I have had had my ca reactor off for several weeks, only dosing kalk and buffer daily to drop back my calcium levels. Calcium was creeping up to over 460 while all was down below 7. So now that I've corrected for that, the ca reactor is back on and has been getting dialed in over that past 10 days or so, so it's hard for me to say if demand has really changed.
I anticipate not having much growth - or changes in growth rates - while nutrients are dropping.. the corals are having to constantly adjust to dropping levels.. that's how I see it anyways.

Here's a few fish pics..
Melanurus, kole and a couple cardinals..

Classic yellow..

Evansis and bellus


And a semi fts..
Holy hell Matt :D :inlove: :blown:

You would have to have one of the nicest and most colourful tanks around :D those pics are going to keep me off my butt for a few months :P
Ummmm, Matt, I think you have an addiction. Let's call it acrogottahaveit-itis. :) But seriously, it all is looking great, very jealous of your success, hard won I know. The fish photo's are cool with the coral backdrop, like them a lot. It's hard to remember where you were when you started this thread. It should give hope to all those struggling right now with their tanks.
gosh those are amazing shots of a gorgeous tank and the fish are pretty cool as well

Whoa Matt, everything is looking wonderful! Those pics are insane!

Great pics as always your water and glass is crystal clear looks like fish are floating in air

Those pics were fantastic, but the acros are out of focus in the ones with those pesky fish. :spin2:


Holy hell Matt :D :inlove: :blown:

You would have to have one of the nicest and most colourful tanks around :D those pics are going to keep me off my butt for a few months :P

Outstanding Matt!

Absolutely Stunning!

that is some serious tank porn photos. Far out mate.

Amazing, amazing tank! Glad to hear nutrients are starting to respond to some of the changes too!

Ummmm, Matt, I think you have an addiction. Let's call it acrogottahaveit-itis. :) But seriously, it all is looking great, very jealous of your success, hard won I know. The fish photo's are cool with the coral backdrop, like them a lot. It's hard to remember where you were when you started this thread. It should give hope to all those struggling right now with their tanks.

Wow guys. Holy smokes! Thanks for all the luv!! I really appreciate the comments. Really nice!!
I got up on a stool, turned all the pumps off and used my 100mm macro for those shots. Macro lenses are predisposed to a short focal length so the background came out just as I wanted it. Getting up high allowed me to shoot the fish with the background being lower, in relation to the fish so that I could fill the whole shot with coral instead of half the shot being empty background. I find that with the pumps off, the fish hang in the water more- I guess the lack of flow- and since they were hungry, they were willing participants in getting photographed.
I am very glad to see nutrients going down and I am happy to see them going down so slowly.. I really have no algae issues at all except the bubble and bryopsis which, although a nuisance, are not running rampant. My cheato is starting to come out of the water and get all brown. Time to pull a bunch out again.
There is no question that I have acrogottahaveit-itis!! I got it baaaad and there is no cure!!
But with the tank filling in, I am really hard pressed to add anything. I have started fragging corals so that they don't grow into each other.. a whole new element to aqua scaping..
Well I can't really make a post without some pics attached.. so here are some close ups. Intended for maximum colour contrasts..
Pink matrix and pink tip getting close..


Unknown acro with encrusting goni below:

Op and the bruise. No purple left in that coral..
Ok more.. just because I got'em..
Habanero and the purple wave..

Habanero alone..turning into a very neat coral.

Purple wave continues to roll over every thing in its path..
A shot of a single outcropping:

It will be fragged back very soon..
My Classic purple wave and 24k shot..

Blue wild Aussie frag, a bonsai wannabe down below and a suharsonoi..

True bonsai..

Mystery coral against suharsonoi

Pink matrix arm..

I'm sure I got some more somewhere..