Tony!! I salute you!!! I bow down to your perseverance and patience to have gone through my whole thread. That is a true honor. My thread is a marathon and a half. I couldn't imagine going through it all.
I sincerely appreciate you doing that! Thanks man!
And thanks for asking about me. I am fine but I am once again supremely frustrated with my tank but trying to not do anything crazy or rash..
As you must be acutely aware, I have run my tank (mostly) with high nutrients and under a mix of mh,t5, led.
But recently I decided to give Fauna Marin a try... AND ditch the mh.
My old set up had 6 t5, 3 x 150w mh and 4 AI Prime.
That was a total pull of around 800w.. and I absolutely loved the light.
So I pulled the mh, added two more t5 and doubled my AI Primes.
Increased the blues a lot... too much.. put many corals into light stress and have now backed off to 6 AI Primes in a significantly reduced intensity..
THEN!!! I adopted Fauna Marin's MINs and Bak to reduce nutrients and started running gfo to pull po4 down..
dropped them too low and stressed the corals even more!!! Arrggggfff!!!!!
I never learn..
So now, I have things stabilized at n-4, p-.06-.08... but it's kind of too late.. corals are both light and nutrient stressed. Some are fine but generally colors are waaaay off and growth is sporadic.....
Even after 4 years of this thread being called "˜learning blah blah' I have not learned...
Since reducing the intensity, some corals have recovered a bit but many haven't or won't.
It is clear however that there are many so many gorgeous tanks with low nutrients - and fewer algea issues- so I am going to stick it out with Fauna Marin.. I am about to start the new MinS and am using organic.
I am also using a mix of reef vitality, Coral Balance and coral sprint. I mix them
Together 1:1:2 for the mixture.
I think it'll be easily 6 months before my tank transitions.. I'm going to stick it out and least through 2019
But right now, I hate the photos I take and I am once again considering putting the mh back!!!!! Even with the aprox 300 w savings right now without them.
I may, down the road, try Fauna Marin's amino mix and the color elements but I'm holding myself back right now.. don't want to change even more...
So this is the main reason for my absence.. frustration... and no decent photos to post..
Well now..... that was cathartic!!

deep breath....
Tony, once again thanks for going though my whole thread and sorry for the rant..