Well... I'm baaaack..
Thanks for the kind words about the pics.
Maine actually has one of the biggest sandy beaches in the world when the tide goes out but not where I took these shots..
Bulent, this far up the U.S. coast, the water is by no means comfortable for swimming.. Probably in the 16-20 degree range.. Only crazies and kids play in the water.. Unless you have crazy kids and then you have to follow them in......
So, I don't have pics yet and unfortunately, not much changed while I was away. Because my mom was feeding the fish and adding potions only once a day, I did not have her adding as much food as I put in, in a day.. I noticed a significant change in only one parameter- phosphates.
After using my ultra low range Hanna egg and my regular phosphate Hanna egg and my Elos high resolution test kit.. I finally got a reading I trusted at .03. When I left, I was at .12.
This caused some polyp retraction on a couple corals, some browning/paling in some and almost no growth. I also lost one mariculture piece to rtn. I fragged it and the piece remaining looks good so far.
For the week I was gone, my mother was adding half the frozen food that I usually give and none of the mix of reef vitality/reef roids/reef chili/reef pearls that I add twice a day.
She continued to add the no3 solutions, though..
Currently, n is at 6ppm and p is at .03. I like these numbers so I will try to keep them around here and compensate for the nutrient reduction by adding an amino acid. Going to try Polyp Lab's Colors. Super concentrated stuff. The directions are 1 drop per 250 gallons tank water. I'll Add a drop a day and see how it goes.
Another interesting and frustrating thing I have encountered is the return of my bryopsis.
It started coming back before I left. Last time I had it, raising mag to 1700 made it shrivel and die in 36 hours.. This time it has been totally unaffected by 1700. I have had to raise mag to 2000!! To get it to stop growing.. I'll hold it here for several weeks, I think..
As for cheato and magnesium levels, while I was away, my mag dropped from 2000 to 1800 and during that period, I did in fact have very noticeable cheato growth. Perhaps not quite as rapid as usual but it was not put into stasis by the high mag level.
Lastly, the frickin green slime/cyano continues to coat the rocks in my system.. Not going to do anything about it other than to blow the rocks clear on a regular basis..
Well, I think that cover it for now..
I'll try for some photos asap!!