Thanks, Dom! It could very well be loripes. The branches are a little thinner than I expect from loripes but now that you mention it.. Could be.
It probably won't keep these pastel colours, unfortunately, since I have a good amount of nutrients in the system.. Soon find out!
Thank you, Mr. Bond!
Ok. Now for the reality check.. Here's a shot from last night. Have a close look between the acros at the rockwork... If you can see it..

Pretty much my entire tank is blanketed in cyano and bubble algea and the bryopsis is making a strong come back.
It's crazy..
N and p are stable at 3 and .08 I just adjusted my reactor up due to higher demand so the corals are growing. I have crazy flow in the tank..
3(!) max spect gyres and 2 tunze 6095. All in various controllers to give me fantastic alternating and random flow patterns.
This cyano appeared immediately after stopping the aio pellets.. And continued after I stopped dosing all potassium nitrate (don't need it to maintain n, anymore)
So, on Sunday I dosed some zeobac with zeofood and coral snow. I will do this as per the zeo instructions of a drop/25 gal system volume 2x week. I'll do it again on Thursday night. See if this helps
I had been using zeozyme with zeobac/food but shortly after dosing that I found a couple corals getting exposed tips.. Not sure it was that but since stopping, all but one coral recovered. Not to mention that while dosing this, the cyano got worse..
Before raising mag to deal with bryopsis, I will give the zeo treatment some time to have an effect, if any..
If this doesn't work, I will hit up Bulent for his cyano killing recipe.. I have not seen the FM bacto balance products in Montreal. FM, yes but not the bacto balance.. I'll have to special order it..
AND... My next little reality check.. This coral has developed white bubble like growths. They appear literally over night. Only this coral, at the moment.. It was a nice yellow and had just begun to show an intention to grow.. Grumble, grumble..

I'm watching it.. I may attempt to attack it with nail clippers and just remove the nasty part....