naso litoratus in my experience have have always eaten bubble algae. They are voracious on bubble algae.
Your tank becomes N limited spontaneously, so why can't You add fishes? I would think the opposite...
Luca, a few weeks ago, after stopping my cyano by using chemi clean and then commencing kno3 additions, I had begun down a certain ideological path..
I felt that the kno3 was necessary because it had arrested the cyano that grew back within weeks of my first attempt (about 3 months ago) to kill it with red slime remover. Also, because my n has been chronically low in the system, I felt it was a necessary thing..
Thinking that no fish would remove the bubble algea and knowing that the rapid growth of the bubble algea was reducing my n and po4 readings, I felt that adding a Carbon source along with the no3 could/would reduce my po4. And outcompete the bubble algea.
The massive amount of bubble algea I have is an excellent example of nutrient pathways.. How inorganic no3 and po4 can be converted back to organic nutrients. As the algea grows it absorbs n and po4 from the water, thus rendering low readings. As the algea grows (into organic living tissue) and then dies off, the bubbles (organic matter) get decomposed and release the bound n and po4 back into the system. It is then taken up again by algae or broken down by bacteria..
Bulent, (discusheckel) had suggested I do nothing but use gfo to reduce p. This solution achieves my goal in the most simple and elegant way.. Requiring no additions of kno3 or acetic acid.
This is not a bad idea by any means but I did not want to introduce gfo and knowing that my system would probably run out of n, and at that point, render the gfo useless,
I decided against this..
My motivation to add kno3 and vinegar was to reduce nutrients going to the algea by boosting the bacteria levels which (in theory.. My theory) would reduce the growth of the bubble, cyano and bryopsis.
Keeping no3 up during this process along with maintaining fish and coral food input, will hopefully keep the corals happy.
I have heard that naso tangs are good bubble algae eaters, but they are one of my least favorite fish, they are clumsy and they get huge..
However, if I could remove the bubble algea using a fish, this would help convert all of the organic matter produced by dying and decaying bubble algae and it would also slowly shift the inorganic nutrient consumption away from the bubble algae to other pathways.. This is a very interesting alternative...
It does, however, leave me with a large fish I don't really like in my tank and it doesn't ultimately help me deal with my chronic po4 problem.
One thing I have not mentioned is that I (stupidly) set this tank up with 10 year old live rock from a fish only tank that never had any method of po4 control.. I'm quite sure that po4 is still leaching out of this stupid rock!! (Wait.. It is me who is stupid... As stupid as a rock...) but what is done is done... I have, in the past controlled po4 very effective in this system using no3 and a carbon source- this is why I am leaning towards going with kno3 and acetic acid this time as well..
Between my wet skimming, live rock, seachem matrix, dsb and cheato fuge, my system seems very efficient at reducing no3.. It always has been.. This is partially why I have always had trouble with po4. Essentially, I STARTED this tank with a built in po4 problem.... Stupidly... Did I mention I was stupid to use this rock??
Well... Too late.. It's in and the corals are growing all over it..
And like I said, in the past, I've been able to regulate the po4 with a carbon source and no3... And I think I can do it this time as well...
I have begun small doses of vinegar (6ml) daily along with my 12ml kno3 (seachem flourish nitrogen)..
I will probably test today after only two doses just to see.. I will dose this for a week and see if anything has changed. If not, I will increase to 8 or 10 ml. This is a very small amount of vinegar. If, at any point, I see the tank or the corals looking 'different' I will reassess the situation..
Yes, I could probably add a few more fish and probably will but I don't want to just add anything to up my nitrogen production.. When I find the fish I want, I will add them..