led bulbs in T5 fixtures


Active member
A couple years ago the led T5 bulbs were all the rage. The ones that had leds inside the T5 bulbs.
What ever happened to them?
I forget the brand name, and are they still around?

I switched from Radions back to a 8 x 80 watt ATI fixture.
I do have two 60" XHO blue reef brites, but want to add a little more led color.
They are almost always very low power compared to standard T5 Ho bulbs and so not very helpful in a reef tank. They could be used, I suppose, to make the colors pop a bit more if you can find ones that are primarily in the actinic spectrum.
Well.. you can find "colored "LED t5 replacements but usually "low powered".
as to "actinic like" I'd search for LED "black light"
Any larger ones are mostly developed for horticulture.

22W of high efficiency and directional LED can "almost" match the output of t5's at 54W-ish.. but not quite..
But, again, finding reef specific bulbs in high power high efficieny emitters is not easy or possibly even possible. Markets too small and trying to convince people it's a worthwhile product is tough.
Besides you have the same directional vs diffuse light issues..

Bottom line is the tech isn't here yet..and the market either..at least in my opinion..
nor pricing apparently..
Euroquatics 48" Blue Pop E5 Retrofit T5 LED Lamps


HUH.. found some for you..

no matter what they say.. 18W of LED will not replace 54W of t5ho unless you got really poor reflectors.. like none.. ;)
more like 2:1
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The Euroquatics Blue Pop E5 Retrofit T5 LED Lamps were the ones I was looking for.
I gave the 24" ones a try not long after they came out. It was wasn't too bad, but just 2 bulbs in a 8 bulb t5 fixture weren't quite enough to make a huge difference.
Euroquatics Blue Pop E5 Retrofit T5 LED Lamps also come in the 60" length which I need.
Like I said I already have 2 - 60" XHO blue leds fixtures. I might just try a couple of the E5's for more late afternoon blue led look.
Having a 8 bulb fixture over a mixed reef I have a little wiggle room with light output.

Thanks, appreciate the links oreo57.
Apparently, the newer generation from them is called the E5X. It’s supposed to be an improvement over the prior generation E5 bulbs. However, I have heard next to nothing in terms of reviews or news about these next gen bulbs.
I was looking forward to the E5X myself. The older E5 never interested me as it was supposed to have the same diffused lighting as a T5 bulb. The newer E5X was said to be more like a traditional LED with regards to shimmer.

I think Euroquatics had big problems with these. R-builders had an article back in 2016 where it said the new E5X bulbs would be available early -17. Over two and a half years later and it is still not possible to buy them in Europe as far as I know.
I remember there was a lot of complaining about the delays/availability on their facebook page which seems to have been taken down altogether now(?)

Would love to hear from anyone with these bulbs.