GHL ProfiLux the advanced choice in aquatic automation
GHL ProfiLux the advanced choice in aquatic automation
I thought i would hit you all with the big advancements in one thread.
Vortech Pump Control
For sometime now GHL have had on market the module that works with profiLux 3's to control up to 11 Vortech pumps per module wirelessly. The module goes one step further than other controller options as it not only allws all Vortech wave modes but also GHL wave modes, thus enabling the user to have different cyceles at different times during the day, this really unlocks the power of your Vortech's. Please contact dealers for GHL packs with Vortech pumps included.
PLC6 software
The next important thing to mention is the launch of PLC6, this is the FREE standard version of GHL's latest .NET framworked software, although still in Beta testing at user level the software is getting rave reviews and is by far the most intuitive software available for controllers. The software will eventually have 2 versions, standard and Pro, the Pro which is designed for the more demanding of users will have a small charge. Why? The software cost above $50,000 to develop and continues to be delveoped. Remember the very advanced standard version i FREE as always.
To get your hands on this software please visit the download section of
LED advancements at a huge rate
As mentioned above GHL play nice with most LED systems, added to that list now is Pacific Sun, but it does not stop there, Ecoxotic also are huge supporters of GHL.
This has gone a lot more steps forward with the launch of the first ever PWM module allowing PWM drivers to be controlled over ProfiLux enabling DIY LED builders to have the full functionality for their home systems of storms and flashes. The PWM module is also required to operate Pacific Sun LED systems and others.
Aquarium Illuminations
Ai remain great partners to Both GHL and Aqua Digital Inc and we are pleased to announce GHL ProfiLux can now control the 3 channel Ai SOL Blues, all you need to do is update your prrofiLux with the latest firmware and software.