Led macro algae grow light?


im an addict lol
Ok going to have fuge in the new setup. Does anyone know a good read on what spectrum and ration of led that I need to grow macro algea?

I know that used to be the standard but I thought it was because it was easy to find and was cheep. I thought the red LEDs where the new better way to go? So is a mix of red and 65k the best way?
I think corals and macroalgae have different need ..

I dont know beside 65k maybe you can see this graph..

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Okay I know very little about this. I can see I want to be in the 450 and the 630 to 680 range. but what's the difference between the red line and green line?
red line is chlorophyll b and green is chlorophyll a, the peaks represent where they absorb the most light

from what I've read thus far is that both use blue and red light, the old 5k bulbs didn't have much blue in them and I guess this is why there was a big move to the 6.5K bulbs due to the more blue

I would think creating a led fixture with blue/violet and orange/red led's would be a perfect grow lamp
Yeah I got the absorption and everything. I just need to look at the difference between A&B I guess is what I was asking
You can buy "plant grow lights" on ebay that are just reds and blues that are designed to grow non-aquatic plants. I presume they would work well for algaes but ive never tried.. I use a 50w 6500k led adnd i get good growth
both are needed for photosynthasis, I can't find any information on ratio of how much is needed/used

all my searches on google end up on cannibus forums, lol
I grow red, blue, and green macro with 1:1 (blue:white) leds. Plant growing leds use more of the red spectrum for budding (so I have hear). Plus the whites have red and blue spectrums already.
Roger I really wouldn't over think this one. You can use a standard power compact and have good growth with it. You deffinetly want to go with between 6500k and 10k closer to 6500k if possible. As far as using reds this is generally for the flowering process in plants not so much the growing part. The 6500k spectrum will have all the red that you need. Like other people have mentioned you can buy the smaller LEDS that are made especially for fuge lights or if you want to save some money you can just buy leds that are for cabinet lighting or desk lamps just check the spectrum. I personally use 2 clip on gooseneck desk lamps I picked up at Ikea for $10 each. They are 10W each and they are working great so far. Hope this helps.
thanks for i nfo. i went with thje one in the link posted above. i ordered from BRS today and a few other goodies!!!

good to know what the red does. thanks
I just bought one of these lights today off eBay. Except I bought the version with 6 leds rather than 4.. It's called the Innovative Marine AUQA Gadget MagnaFuge LED Refugium Light 6500K Magnet. I'll let you all know how it works once I get it up and running for a couple weeks.. Right now just using a regular refuge light that clips on and my chaeto hasn't grown a heck of a lot since having it. Needed something better, so I'm hoping this is it!:bounce3:
I just bought one of these lights today off eBay. Except I bought the version with 6 leds rather than 4.. It's called the Innovative Marine AUQA Gadget MagnaFuge LED Refugium Light 6500K Magnet. I'll let you all know how it works once I get it up and running for a couple weeks.. Right now just using a regular refuge light that clips on and my chaeto hasn't grown a heck of a lot since having it. Needed something better, so I'm hoping this is it!:bounce3:

How has your Chaeto been with this light?

I've tried twice getting Chaeto to grow with this light and both times the chaeto has started to brown out and fall apart on me. (Not sure if it's easy to see, but I've attached a pic here.) I'm started to get bits and pieces of chaeto coming up through my return pump into my DT now.

Curious if anyone has any ideas on this.