LED Module Comparison - ReefBrite / Illumilux / TrueLumen Pro

Mojo, how did you mount w/o kit? Also, how would compare the reefbrite vs. illumilux in light output?
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I used #8 screws and slid the head of the screw into the channel. its a lot like 80/20 but havent found the correct size . I took the endplate off and slid 2 screws in the channel on top. and put the cap back on. This gave me two studs on top of the fixture. I then put two small holes in my canopy and used fender washers and a nut to mount it in the canopy. really simple. I wish it had a kit with it. I will probably hold off on buying the 50/50 to add to my canopy until the mounting kits come out. At $450 I would think that a mounting kit would come with it.

Now with that being said I really like the unit. I still have it. Believe me. If i didnt I would be calling Jeremy and sending it back. I did call jeremy but it was to give him some positive feedback. I like the color. I think having both color LEDS in it does make it a bit brighter and brings out more colors. Leds in general have such a narrow spectrum. So the more colors the better I think.

The reef brites are really nice I have ordered 2 30in and 2 48 in reefbrites in the past. When I went to order them for this tank they were out of stock. so after waiting another month I called and talked to jeremy about getting some LEDS again and I narrowed it down to the reefbrites or the new illumilux.

Well I would say the brightness is about the same as two rb leds. But it is because the spread is brighter through width of the spread. hope that makes sense.

As far as par I just ordered a par meter for our club so I ll take a couple readings in my tank and compare them to some t5's. REally curious how they stack up.

Hope this was helpful. I really do want a 48 in 50/50 just having a hard time parting with the $$ until I get some #'s.
Thanks Mojo, I have the same size tank as you (i.e. standard 125). Would you recommend the 48" illumilux over two 36" reefbrites? I presently only have MH's and want to light the tank with leds when the MH's are off. Thanks man.
well i would think if you have halides you would wan to have one front and back. maybe 2 4ft reefbrites. but if you can angle the vertex from the front then that would be a great way to go too. sorry if i didnt really answer your question but it depends how you are going to mount it.
i purchased the two 4 ft illumilux marano blue for the 220 that im designing. They are so nice i afraid to take them out of the box :)

Im almost able to pick up a Vertex Illumina 260 with the upgraded Cree bulbs. I am planning to run both blue strips with the illumina 260.

tank dim are 60L x 30Wx 26" or 28 havent decided
Good Afternoon Jeremy!

I am contemplating the Vertex fixture for my Rimless Elos. Would the 36" fixture provide ample light spread for a 48'X22"x20"? I am not concerned about intensity as much as I am coverage, as this tank contains primarily NPS corals and deepwater fish.
Also, just how blue is the Marino Blu? and are these controllable at all, if so what can you control?


I think you would be just fine with a Marino Bianco (50/50). I think the Marino Blu is going to be way too blue for you, it will look like all actinics on. They will eventually be controllable with the Vertex Cerebra controller.
Hey mojo, just wondering if you got that par meter yet. I'm curious to know the readings on the Illumilux.
I was talikng to someone from J & L Aquatics in Vancouver and this guy was saying these lights are more like power compacts. Just curious about anyone else's impressions of the Illumilux.
I did get the meter. Have to mount the sensor to a something. Ill get some readings tonight. as I have to pull the rest of my t5's out and get them shipped out as I ordered the 50\50 vertex led as well and it will be here today. So I will have two of these. One all blue and one 50/50. Cant wait for the controller. Jeremy, be sure to let me know when it comes out so I can pick one up. Any idea on what these will be priced at roughly ?

Thanks in advance.

I did put the sensor right up against the lens just for giggles and it was around 1880.... but Ill test tonight on the sand on my standard 125. I would guess par will be around 100 ish with one strip. But ill get some pics. plus the 50/50 will be here so Ill have to see how the color of it is as well. I hope I like it. $900 wrapped up in leds really fast. and its hard when you havent even seen what they look like.
The Cerebra beta units should be here in the next couple of weeks. I'm not sure when the production models will be available though.
well it would be nice to get one of the controllers for sure. even if its on trial...

I did a little testing tonight so far. 1 Vertex blu 25" above the sand give me par of about 62 on the sand bed. with 2 t5's it is about 140 . I say about cause it is plus or minus a few depending on where and how you hold it. with 4 t5s and no leds I was seeing about 150 on the sand. this was 2 80w t5's with reflectors Reefgeek LET retro...

ok with that said I did just get the 50/50 4ft Illumilix. And sadly enough I am going to have to order one more.....lol. I like the 50/50 but I would like it a bit brighter. I think 3 will be perfect. 2 would be just fine for softies and lps I think. But to get enough oomph for some sps I will have to add a 3rd. I have a small 50/50 reefbrite here for my daughters nano and I would say the color of the 50/50 vertex is more crisp and a bit brighter. Another good option and it would probably would of saved me some money. Wish I would of thought of this earlier would be get two 50/50 vertex and 1 all blue reefbright. I think that would look really good as well. and save me about $200.

Ill have to see what the boss says but hopefully I can get another 4ft 50/50 this week if PA has them in stock.

took a couple pics to show the spread. This is with 2 vertex illumilux and one reefbrite. all 4ft fixtures on a 6 ft tank.




this give you a pretty good idea of color. Hope this helps.
