LED Module Comparison - ReefBrite / Illumilux / TrueLumen Pro

FYI, if anyone is in the DIY mood you should be able to easily cross reference the correct power supply from Meanwell for your ReefBrite (regular or XHO), Illumilux, or True Lumen Pro that will have the 0-10v input right on it. You can then control via the Neptune Apex, Apex Lite, or Apex Jr. Of course you can also control with any other device that will output a 0-10v signal.

Jeremy there appears to be more then one meanwell that is dimmable. I'm up for a DIYS project and already have the cables, but not up for frying my new LED strip. I would like to order more of these strips, but not until I can figure out a way to dim them. Please help if you could. Which Meanwell driver would work?
@Matt, just sent you back a PM.

@ari5736, it will not quite double the par, but you will see a significant increase in PAR.

@ToLearn, I would suggest calling the manufacturer directly for assistance in cross-referencing the 0-10v input Meanwell driver that would be appropriate for your specific model of LED strip.
@ToLearn, I would suggest calling the manufacturer directly for assistance in cross-referencing the 0-10v input Meanwell driver that would be appropriate for your specific model of LED strip.

Meanwell or Proline? Proline either has no clue. They just know how great the controller their controller will work even though it doesn't exist yet.
Who have you talked to at Proline? I have all of their tech sheets, etc., and am very familiar with the product, as they are as well. However, if you want specifics I would suggest sending an email direct to Vertex on it. They will have their dimming module available in just a week or two for the Illumilux, so it might be worth it to just wait on that.
jeremy, how far from the water surface should this illuminux be mounted? I got them currently 16" above the water level to start with and they are not that bright at that height. (i mounted them 16" above the water level because I didnt get any instructions with the light and I didnt want to burn anything since they run at 100%)



6"-10" is the best height for the Illumilux. Over this height, you will get more spread than you need. You won't burn your corals, but, as with any new lighting, don't run them at 100% until the corals get used to the extra spectra, especially blue, as we don't see it as being very bright, but the corals certainly do!
yes i just recently modified my illumilux and i think the thread was either an 6-32 or 8-32. I can confirm this later tonight.
Here is a pic of the light I assembled.

Hi Padrino or anyone,
Can you please advise on what this is called (circle in the pic) and if possible direct me where i can get them.

Thanks for the guidance.


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I made those. :D I made special pieces to slip into the illumilux extrusion, then machined aluminum brackets to bolt into that. From there speced out some flexible metal rods in which i attached both sections too. I can post a close up if you wish
I made those. :D I made special pieces to slip into the illumilux extrusion, then machined aluminum brackets to bolt into that. From there speced out some flexible metal rods in which i attached both sections too. I can post a close up if you wish

Where do you get the flexible metal rod? I checked McMaster, but did not see anything under that phrase....

It is a cool idea, and would work well with what i am planning :).
Company I used was Vimco manufacturing based out of New york. Tell him Rob Macoretta told you about them. Contact there is dick, very helpful guy
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Hi jeremy
24'' bianco=?lux
24watt x2 t5(ati or aquascience)=?lux
thank you.

Unfortunately I do not test anything with a lux meter, I am sorry. Lux is a measurement of total lumenous intensity, while PAR (what we use in this industry) measure the photosynthetically active radiation emitted from a lamp. Or in other words, the intensity of light that our inhabitants can you use to photosynthesize, which is roughly between 400nm and 700nm in spectrum.
Jeremy I would like to modify my 29 BC hood with some strips light and keep my pc's as well. What would you recommend. I would like to do both hard and soft corals.

Jeremy I would like to modify my 29 BC hood with some strips light and keep my pc's as well. What would you recommend. I would like to do both hard and soft corals.


I'd look at using a single 15" RB 50/50 XHO on the front side of the PC's and slightly angle it back towards the reef. That might be all you would need with the two pc lamps to keep anything you want in the tank. The RB XHO is very bright!
Great post Jeremy, thanks for the info. I have a 20H nano that currently runs 2x36w PCs. It's been enough light for what I keep, but I'd like to upgrade to point-source lighting just for the clarity it gives to the water as well as the shimmer. Thinking of going with either 2x24" illumilux fixtures to replace the PCs, versus simply supplementing the PCs with a single LED strip, as you suggested to the previous poster. Question is would running the PCs drown out the shimmer effect or would it still be evident? Thanks for your help.