LED Module Comparison - ReefBrite / Illumilux / TrueLumen Pro

The Illumilux will integrate with the Vertex Cerebra controller once it comes out. It will not integrate with the bluetooth control through the V-Link that you can get with the Illumina.
Hi, me again...
* Does the Illumilux come with the power supply/converter, or do I have to purchase one separately?
* Do I need anything special to connect 2 modules together? Power cables, splitters, etc, that are not included in the module "kit"?
* How would you go about mounting Illumilux to the inside of a home-made canopy? Technically I've yet to build it..so at this point there are a lot of options. The information mentions a bracket or hanging kit, but I guess they're not yet available?
* What would you suggest in terms of spacing between the 2 strips? Should they be next to each other in the middle, or each centered at about 1/3 of the 13" width, etc?
* Is it better to go for 2x 50/50 Blue/White (Marino Bianco?) or one Marino Bianco, and one Marino Blu? Would that be too blue? I do like the blue look, but I wouldn't want it too blue either.
* I don't yet have a controller, but how would I go about aquiring a "Optional inline 1-10v module for dimming"? any suggestions for brands, prices, etc.
* For future reference (in the very near future), I'm thinking of changing the lights on my freshwater tank as well...do you have the all white or the red/white versions of the light as well (24")? I didn't see them listed on the web site. I guess I can go with the TrueLumens for freshwater, but again...it seems slightly cheaper for 1 Illumilux vs 2 TrueLumen Pro + power supply

- Illumilux does include the power supply.
- At this time they are not able to be linked together to my knowledge.
- You can easily mount them by picking up some L brackets from Lowe's or Home Depot, should be very straight forward to do so.
- I would center the strips up over the 13" width that you're lighting. Since Vertex doesn't use any optics the spread is amazing.
- I will eventually have some comparison photos of the Illumilux modules running with one another, all blue, 50/50, and all white. Hopefully that will happen early next week.
- The inline input module will be available in just a few weeks from Vertex. I do not know of pricing for this yet though.
- All white and pink/white Illumilux modules will be here on the same shipment with the 0-10v input modules, so about 3 weeks out or so.

- Illumilux does include the power supply.
- At this time they are not able to be linked together to my knowledge.
- You can easily mount them by picking up some L brackets from Lowe's or Home Depot, should be very straight forward to do so.
- I would center the strips up over the 13" width that you're lighting. Since Vertex doesn't use any optics the spread is amazing.
- I will eventually have some comparison photos of the Illumilux modules running with one another, all blue, 50/50, and all white. Hopefully that will happen early next week.
- The inline input module will be available in just a few weeks from Vertex. I do not know of pricing for this yet though.
- All white and pink/white Illumilux modules will be here on the same shipment with the 0-10v input modules, so about 3 weeks out or so.


Thanks for the answers..maybe I'll wait till the pictures until I'll make the final decision. I'm swtill going back and forth on the Vertex vs TrueLumens

this is what i was going for when I was asking about linking..it's on your site..

"·Expandable, modular design allowing full user flexibility. Individual beams can be network in any shape and configuration using PCB connective fittings.
·Wireless power networking between interconnected fixtures. PCB connections supply all power and control.
·Only one power cable required to power each array (requires Vertex Splitter box). "
Correct on the linking, however they will not be linkable until that splitter box is available. I have not heard anything eta wise on that yet.
Hi, I really can't decide :confused: :headwalls:

I’m leaning towards 2xVertex Illumilux 24"…but I think it’s overkill for my current 20G tank. But I’m thinking that with those lights I’ll be good for anything, and if I ever get a bigger tank (and this is really a big if) I can just get 1 more set of 2 and I’ll be again set for anything. Is there any downside of running 4x24" (2 wide, 2 long..or 3x3, if really necessary) instead of 2x48 on larger tanks?
If I get TrueLumens, I’ll probably be mostly looking to upgrade again if I get a new tank, as it would be 20-24” deep and TrueLumens are only good for 16-17”
ReefBrites seem like a happy middle ground, but all articles I’ve found about them say to use them as a supplement, and not a stand-alone LED light…so I’m a little worried, as I want to replace the lights completely.

I got a response to my question of CurrentUSA's website..but then again, they're trying to push their lights, so they're not exactly unbiased...

This is what they had to say:
Dear Hobbyist,

Thank you for contacting Current-USA, Inc. On your size aquarium, you could absolutely do just fine with our TrueLumen Pro LED strips. With a 17" depth, using one of our Marine Fusion 24" strips and one of our 12,000K Diamond White LED strips will work great. It would provide plenty of light for LPS corals and lower light SPS corals. If you get into a more SPS dominated tank, simply add one more Marine Fusion strip or Actinic Blue strip and it would provide plenty of light.

so, in the order of cheapest to most expensive solution...
$306 - 2xTruelumen - If 2 TrueLumen lights are enough (?? width and depth issue)
$390 - 2xReefBrite - If 2 reefbrights (most likely enough depth and width)
$434 - 3xTrueLumen – (most likely enough for TrueLumen width wise, possible depth issues)
$520 - 2xVertex Illumilux (2 is enough depth and width?)
$585 - 3xReefBrite – (more than enough width, most likely enough depth)
$612 - 4xTrueLumen – (better width spread, still issues depth-wise?)

*the TrueLumen prices include 1-2 power converters, as needed.

which would you suggest?

--Eternally Confused
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@mkorolev - Personally, I would do the 2 x Vertex Illumilux for this particular setup. I think you woulkd be most happy with that in appearance, as well as light distribution within the tank.
@mkorolev - Personally, I would do the 2 x Vertex Illumilux for this particular setup. I think you woulkd be most happy with that in appearance, as well as light distribution within the tank.

OK, thanks....I think I was mostly sold on them anyway...me wants!

now just awaiting on images for 50/50 white only vs 50/50 white + 50/50 blue. Pretty please!!! (or maybe just a suggestion on which way to go?)
I am out of stock on the 48" 50/50 right now, which is what I'm going to put with a blue to do a color comparison. I should hopefully have those in here by Wed or Thurs.
I am out of stock on the 48" 50/50 right now, which is what I'm going to put with a blue to do a color comparison. I should hopefully have those in here by Wed or Thurs.

I found some pics on Fourty Fathoms.
I'm not sure if i'm allowed to post their screenshots..so if i'm not please let me know....

I'm not sure if this is with a 50/50 white or actually pure white...but in either case, I think it's way too blue for my tastes...I guess I'll be going with 2x50/50 whites.
I'm scoping getting the Vertex Illumilux for an upcoming tank set up . . can you please advise what I will need to be able to control these with my Neptune Apex?

Thanks in advance of the guidance
Is there a particular Meanwell you would recommend?

For those asking for control with Neptune, I have to say it appears it does not work with a Neptune controller. If anyone is controlling with a Neptune PLEASE let me know how and be specific.
My baby is here!!!!...too bad i'm at work and can't open it up. darn, UPS guy just missed lunch by 20 minutes :(
Do you think my coworkers would mind too much if I unpacked and drooled in the middle of the office? :P

Can't wait to go home and play with it...though I don't know if 1 will be enough to play with...what do you think? 1x24" illumilux as a very temporary solution on a 20H (some zoas and ricordeas, and a teeny torch coral...and a ton of hair algae)?

speaking of temporary solutions..any idea when the second one might get a-shipping?
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For those asking for control with Neptune, I have to say it appears it does not work with a Neptune controller. If anyone is controlling with a Neptune PLEASE let me know how and be specific.

An Apex controller can output any 0-10v signal via two separate methods. The first way of doing this is via the 4 x controllable ports and using the surf cables (what's intended for the Tunze pumps). You would just cut the ends off the cord and wire on your own connection.

The second method is to use the VDM module which has 4 x variable speed ports on it as well. This would be the option of choice if you have an Apex Lite or future Apex, Jr. Again, you would use the same cable and make your own connection at the input source.

The Illumilux will be controllable over a PWM module that you will bridge inbetween the power supply and the module itself.

Reef Brite's will eventually have the power supply with 0-10v input built right onto it.

FYI, if anyone is in the DIY mood you should be able to easily cross reference the correct power supply from Meanwell for your ReefBrite (regular or XHO), Illumilux, or True Lumen Pro that will have the 0-10v input right on it. You can then control via the Neptune Apex, Apex Lite, or Apex Jr. Of course you can also control with any other device that will output a 0-10v signal.

@mkorolev, the Illumilux shipment arrived yesterday and is shipping out today!
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Thanks for this Jeremy . . just placed my order for an Illumilux.

Would it be possible for you point me to what to search for to read up on doing this DIY.

Thanks again for the guidance

An Apex controller can output any 0-10v signal via two separate methods. The first way of doing this is via the 4 x controllable ports and using the surf cables (what's intended for the Tunze pumps). You would just cut the ends off the cord and wire on your own connection.

The second method is to use the VDM module which has 4 x variable speed ports on it as well. This would be the option of choice if you have an Apex Lite or future Apex, Jr. Again, you would use the same cable and make your own connection at the input source.

The Illumilux will be controllable over a PWM module that you will bridge inbetween the power supply and the module itself.

Reef Brite's will eventually have the power supply with 0-10v input built right onto it.

FYI, if anyone is in the DIY mood you should be able to easily cross reference the correct power supply from Meanwell for your ReefBrite (regular or XHO), Illumilux, or True Lumen Pro that will have the 0-10v input right on it. You can then control via the Neptune Apex, Apex Lite, or Apex Jr. Of course you can also control with any other device that will output a 0-10v signal.

@mkorolev, the Illumilux shipment arrived yesterday and is shipping out today!
Regarding that price chart above, if you went the 3 True Lumen you could run 2 on 1 timer, and the marine on another, so you could get a nice color spread and different looks. And 3 of those strips takes up alot less space then 3 Reefbrights...just not as bright. But 3 TrueLumen would get you good par and give you alot of mounting options.
I have purchased and used the Current LED Pro 36" 12k and Fusion strips, and I am very happy that I have. IMHO, each strip is as "bright" as a single T5 HO bulb. You can see that in the pics on my wife's custom 80 gallon tank (39x19x25). I am showing them alone/underneath, with Current Nova Extreme T5 HO, and with a STANDARD Coralife T5 fixture. The Fusion is on the left, 12k is on the right, and T5 Standard/HO in the middle. Here are the pics -

LED Pro only -


LED Pro/T5 HO -


LED Pro/Coralife STANDARD T5

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I am in the process of setting up a frag tank that will be 36" x 12" x 16" tall, I am looking at the illumilux 24" Marino Bianco or the 36" Marino Bianco to provide a complete lighting solution for this tank and I have a few questions:

1st, the tank will be all eggcrate frag shelves (frags from end to end, 2 or 3 different shelf heights), will the 24" long illumilux fixture provide enough coverage to the ends of the 36" tank, or will I have to use the 36"?

2nd, the tank is 12" deep (front to back), will I get adequate coverage with 1 fixture/beam, or will I need 2 fixtures side by side?

3rd, do these fixtures come with any mounting hardware/hanging kits included (this will be an open-top tank)? What is actually included with the fixture? Do you (PA) have mounting options available for these fixtures?

4th, If I do end up needing 2 beams, are the connector cables/everything I would need to connect the beams available for purchase yet?

EDIT: Sorry forgot to mention that frags will be mix of zoas, LPS and SPS and the tank will be bare bottom.


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