Left a voicemail....

not ecooper

New member
Wondering if you still had them...hoping you do. *sighs* You guys know me, I'm always looking for those oddball clowns. Anyway, if you still have them, I'm first in line!

Gonna have to work something out on picking them up though, as I know you guys are crazy on Mon, but thats the only day hubby has off....
I believe we still have them. The male looks a little rough, but he is eatting like a champ. The female is nice, fat, and happy, but not eatting as much, go figure! Welcome to nigripes!!! lol
lol Its OK, I'll call you guys on Monday, or you call me, whichever is easiest. I'll have a q-tank ready, complete with my stock of Aquatronics. lol

Mind giving them a freshwater dip next time you're in the store? Would give me more time to get them home without anything creeping up on me.

Thanks Jeremy! You're a champ!!!!