Lemon's New 183 gallon fruity tank!

Lemon, just a couple questions if you dont mind.
What and how often do you feed your tank?
Would you mind sharing your QT procedure.
Also would you mind updating on your sump? I really liked your design and was wondering if you love it or if theres anything you would change.
Your tank looks amazing, keep up the good work.
aqua, sorry for the late reply.

i feed 2-3 times a day depending on how free i am. i feed pellets, mysis and home made food.

you want a sump update? ok i will get on it as soon as possible.
Beautiful tank with all the nice selection of incredible fishes what are your phosphates at? i see the sps have nice colors so it must not be an issue............
back from another long hiatus.

sorry guys. i'm a moderator mending my own local forum so i hardly have any time to update here and there at the same time.

so here's another video! :) the video is available for viewing at 1080p HD.


to answer the above questions.

i'm using 2x 250W 12k metal halides. suplemented with ATI blue plus.

PO4 registers 0 on salifert test kit. but there could be some trace amount the test kit cannot detect.