Lemon's New 183 gallon fruity tank!

thanks shaun.

i like the rocks too. took me only half hours to make that since there's only 9 rocks in the entire tank.
Tank is looking good. Not bare at all for ~4 months in. I like mixed reefs for the additional movement that a lot of the LPS gives;) Keep posting progress pictures down the road!
found a huge bristle worm.........



You better be glad you found that, that is an eucidnid worm. This is the reason why people post threads saying fish dissapeared over night can't find him in the overflow, sump, or floor. That thing is big enough to eat plenty of fish. Be very glad you found him my friend!!!

Genicanthus watanabei. my new show fish. a male and a female.

but the title of show fish will be dethroned if i can find G. semifasciatus!


That'z 1 sweet tank !! Love the dimensions and everything .Very colorful with some nice friends in there!!:bigeyes:
Lemon, your tank looks better every time I see it. Love all your beautiful fish (or friends:fun4:) Cant wait to see more.
Lemon, beautiful tank and love the coloration in all the fish and the coral. Good variety of coral too...I love seeing a variety of coral and not just SPS all the time!