Hi Lemon,
Sorry to hear about that. I'm still trying to clear my diatoms... But anyways, this hobby is like that....There's so much that goes on...
I'm not sure if this helps, but when I had dino's last year, a good amount of rowaphos cleared it up.
Hang in there....
Wish I could pick it up :inlove:so sad to say that i have to sell away my white bar maculosus angelfish.
i just won't stand for a fish that will chase and bite my new and old residences.
yeah so sadWish I could pick it up :inlove:
That sucks, though, I was worried at one point that my Flagfin would badger the others too much, but luckily he only gets feisty when provoked or to keep the new fish in line. He's definitely king of the tank, but not much an aggressor.
thanks chris for your input and experience!Lemon. I had really bad dinos and a 5 day lights out and I have never seen one again. Since you do not have many corals.. Why not try it? It works for alot of people.. alot are scared to go the full 5 days.. but I did.. Didnt lose anything.. well one SPS colony down to one polyp... now its coming back.. 4-5 polyps now!