water flows from section 1 into section 2, flowing downwards under the pane of glass.
water flows over into section 3, and flows over into 4.
water flows from 4, under the glass and into 5, where the 2 returns and future coil will be placed.
here's what i like about the sump. section 3 has no underflowing water, which means water flows in and out from the top. This means that it's almost a complete tank within a tank (if you get what i mean). This will be very useful for housing livestock temporarily away from all equipment and other sections. On saturday, overflow teeth will be fixed onto the top of the glass to prevent fish from swimming into other sections with the flow of water. (i hope i explained it well, it's hard to explain in words).
The teeth will complete section 3 by keeping any fish from getting out, but water still flows freely.
this section will allow me to train fish to feed, recuperate wounded fishes, or recovering livestock.
skimmer will be placed in section 2
*to bryanS, now i remember why the sump cabinet has no door on the right side! i had it designed for me to have a front view of sump section 3, where livestock can be kept.