Lemon's New 183 gallon fruity tank!

i've decided to just run the full leak test. pipes + tank.

but for now, here's the 2 valves installed.


and like the first drop of rain on a severely dried up watering hole in the african savana, i say, LET THERE BE WATER!

the flow rate for the 2 eheims combined is super fast. can drain the entire sump in seconds.



this is through 1 piece of glass, a large body of water, and another piece of glass! total two pieces of glass sandwiching a large body of water. and yet it's still so clear like as if nothing's there.

looking good, can't wait to see this baby up and running. I am also very curious to see your sump once you have the qt and frag tank set up.
and in goes the whole bucket of salt. woosh..

i think it will take a few hours for everything to dissolve and give a homogenous reading for salinity.

the entire bottom of the tank is filled with a layer of salt. mmm. salt for sandbed. hehe.

after stirring and turning on the pumps, everything is dissolving along nicely.

here's the glass box with the HYPERsaline water

chris, that's a Chaetodon (Roaps) mitratus. the mitratus butterflyfish. very closely related to tinkeri, declives, flavocoronatus and burgess butterfly. together, these 5 make up the tinkeri complex group of butterflyfish, all living in fairly deep water with very similar body shape and appearance.
chris, that's a Chaetodon (Roaps) mitratus. the mitratus butterflyfish. very closely related to tinkeri, declives, flavocoronatus and burgess butterfly. together, these 5 make up the tinkeri complex group of butterflyfish, all living in fairly deep water with very similar body shape and appearance.

hmmm don't think i have ever seen one before and they sure look nice. Can't wait to see it in the tank.
well, have to wait for at least a month after cycling. meanwhile it's in quarantine and then into a holding tub.

let's hope it survives there :P
house is in a complete mess! i would say like a tornado has swept through, but it will be too cliche. so i'll just leave it at a complete mess! hehe



house is in a complete mess! i would say like a tornado has swept through, but it will be too cliche. so i'll just leave it at a complete mess! hehe


