Leopard wrasse aggression


New member
I just wanted to get some other opinions to see if my guess might be correct. So I have two leopard wrasse in a 150 gal aquarium and as of last week my male potters has started posturing and chasing the female meleagris leopard. The meleagris has been in the tank since November 2015 and the potters has been in the tank since October 2016. They co-existed peacefully like I said until last week. Even though there aren't any visible changes in the apperance of the meleagris could the male potters be sensing the hirmonol changes and trying to run off an impending male? I'll also add that the tank is very well established and both wrasse are eating flakes and frozen several times a day in addition to whatever else they hunt off of the rocks.
That is a possibility, but could also be related to environmental cues to more seriously claim it's territory from competitors, or hierarchical changes with other fish.
That is a possibility, but could also be related to environmental cues to more seriously claim it's territory from competitors, or hierarchical changes with other fish.
My thoughts exactly, I have a trio of leopards & they act the same way.
As long as there is no persistent chasing /harassing, things should settle down again. If possible re arrange the scaping too.
Dwarf angels are just big damsels!

?? Huh?? Potters Wrasse, not Potters angel LOl:lolspin:
It was incessant, so much so the meleagris jumped into the overflow. She's now living in the sump until I can catch the potters, the wife hates the potters for making her favorite fish to have to live in seclusion and out of sight for the time being