Let me see your Octpuses

O briareus in 70gal


Kept with some big palaemon and hermits. 150gal system, main tank, refugium and sump.
Awesome octos everyone! I would love to do a cephalopod tank someday, and can only hope to have something like what you guys have!
Are you speaking to me?
If so, I purchased Morpheus from my LFS, never again. Ollie came from Forida. (tomscaribbean.com) He gets them from crabbers who would otherwise destroy them. He was missing one leg severed at the webbing which is common with the ones found in traps. It has grown back in the 4 months I have had him.
Awesome pics everyone. My LFS has some sometimes but they are not as cool as these. I would love to have a cephalopod tank someday!
Are you speaking to me?
If so, I purchased Morpheus from my LFS, never again. Ollie came from Forida. (tomscaribbean.com) He gets them from crabbers who would otherwise destroy them. He was missing one leg severed at the webbing which is common with the ones found in traps. It has grown back in the 4 months I have had him.

Tomscaribbean.com is an amazing site. I'd highly recommend.
i hear how hard octos are to keep is this true or if someone could keep a reef tank could keep a octo tank?
Hey I've been wanted to try an octo there just so awsome! I love all the pics and vids guys. Can some1 please pm me info on how u get them to stay in your tanks? And how to keep them out of your sump??
Last video was amazing :thumbsup:

Is there any oct. that would live in harmony in a mix reef comunity ?

Any one that would be small, and stay small ?
