Lets do this - 225+ reef bar

Alright, big pic update coming...I busted out the tripod (didn't turn off flow, but we're taking baby steps here....), so hopefully the pics are a little better.

picked up this unknown monti from SaraB at the swap. Looks like it might be an undata, so I'm voting for the name Red Hot Chundata...


my slow growing pink lemonade:


My brown-out special efflo is starting to show some promise:


purple polyp monti (verrucosa I think, also from SaraB):


pink-tipped elegance:

Branching and encrusting unknown green/yellow monti:


Couldn't help but snap another of the regal :)


A few of the newly introduced Bimac trio:




<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14479664#post14479664 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ataylo13
Pics are looking good Mike. I can't wait for some of these corals to grow up so I can get a frag :)

No frags til you get a bigger tank ;)
ok, I guess so....but I think soon you are going to be gluing them to your front viewing pane for lack of space.
While I was at it, I also put together what will (hopefully, barring illness) be the pretty much final stocking list. Right now, the only fish I would think about adding would be 1-2 leopard or tamarin wrasses of some variety, smaller fish such as gobies or blennies, another small school of fish such as chromis or cardinals. BUT, I'm not really looking for fish and am pretty happy with the stocking list as it stands. Here it is:

Bluejaw Trigger (Xanthicthys auromarginatus)

Mata Tang (Acanthurus mata)

Purple Tang (Zebrasoma xanthurus)

Swallowtail Angel (f) (Genicanthus melanospilos)

Regal Angel (Indo-Pacific) (Pygoplites diacnthus)

Emperor Angel (Pomacanthus imperator)

Christmas Wrasse (Halichoeres ornatissimus)

(3 - 1m, 2f) Bimac Anthias (Pseudanthias bimaculatus)

Bicolor Anthias (Pseudanthias bicolor)

(2) Green Chromis (Chromis atripectoralis)

(3) Green Chromis (Chromis viridis)

(2) True Percula Clowns (Amphiron Percula)

(2) Bluestripe neon goby (Gobiosoma oceanops)

Lawnmower Blenny (Salarias fasciatus)

Pink/Blue Spotted Goby (Cryptocentrus leptocephalus)

Target Mandarin (Synchiropus picturatus)
nice tank mcliffy2! you got some colors there! any chance you'd be willing to show off your tank to a fan? i'll be passing thru chicago on march 2nd and would love to see your tank live. can you recommend any lfs in the chicago area? you can pm me with those if you feel uncomfortable posting on rc. thanks
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14484732#post14484732 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by greennd79
whats your bulb combo mcliffy2 i like the way the colors pop

added it to my sig.
jennmac415 - nope, I used to have a second fiji purple. I don't like it as much, I'm going to try a UV aquasun for more PAR, see how I like that, then decide whether to go back to the fiji purple.

Victor - Don't worry, I'll probably break down eventually and buy more. I'm feeding 6x/day and my phosphates tested out at .01 on a hanna (no carbon dosing whatsoever), so it can definitely handle more.

reefsahoy - sent you a PM.
just playing around with it (had the bulb lying around so swapped it in). The FTS will have to be next week as I'm heading out of town, I'll try to get one soon.