Lets do this - 225+ reef bar

After seeing picture after picture of your tank, and seeing your setup in person (and comparing it to my tank) I see a lack of nuisance algae in your tank. How did you do that? I didn't see a QT setup there did I? Were you just careful on who/where you get things from so you don't introduce pests? Though I tried to be careful, I can attribute all of my bad algae back to one frag bought from an LFS. I just want to know your secrets!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14323426#post14323426 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bues0022
After seeing picture after picture of your tank, and seeing your setup in person (and comparing it to my tank) I see a lack of nuisance algae in your tank. How did you do that? I didn't see a QT setup there did I? Were you just careful on who/where you get things from so you don't introduce pests? Though I tried to be careful, I can attribute all of my bad algae back to one frag bought from an LFS. I just want to know your secrets!

You should see my frag tank - to call it a hair algae farm would be an understatement ;)

I think between the tangs and angels grazing, and the cleanup crew, they just keep it in check. Having the fuge suck up nutrients and phosphates also helps. I do have a bit of the maroon fuzzy algae, but it blends in with the corraline, so I don't really mind it.
mcliffy, your tank is amazing! who needs to go the shedd when you are only a few blocks away. I would be embarassed for you to come see my tank now that I have seen yours! definite tank envy.
Thanks ozzman. You are welcome to stop by, check out the tank and have a beer at the reef bar, and pick out some frags whenever you like.
I gotta say Mike, every time I get that email saying that you posted on this thread, I keep hoping that it's more pictures! I'm insanely jealous of your tank, and seeing it in person sealed the fate of my next tank! (deep dimensions similar to Marineland) It's going to have to wait until after my move this summer at least though.
corndork2 - thanks much.

brewster - you're welcome, can't wait to see your tank grow in. It has got the makings of being a gorgeous setup.

And a fish update - I'm always hesitant to post about fish before they become established, but I do have some recent additions. A lawnmower blenny and pink-spotted goby have both settled in nicely and been with me for a few weeks now.

And now for the biggies that I am very excited about. I have a trio of bimac anthias that have been in QT for a couple weeks and seem to be healthy - they have all been eating PE mysis. I am going to try and catch my bicolor anthias before introduction so they can have a harassment-free introduction. Ever since I took this pic of a male bimac at the Georgia Aquarium, I've wanted some:


And last, but not least, the fish I'm most excited about, a Regal Angel. I love this fish, but had resolved that I wouldn't get one unless the perfect opportunity came up, and with my emperor getting bigger, the window for that opportunity was quickly closing. Well, Doug Lehman PMs and tells me he is looking for a bigger home for the IO Regal he has had for a year. A Regal that is proven in a tank environment (especially in Doug's) was the perfect opportunity I'd been looking for. Thanks much Doug. pics to come....
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14421536#post14421536 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mcliffy2
Well, Doug Lehman PMs and tells me he is looking for a bigger home for the IO Regal he has had for a year. A Regal that is proven in a tank environment (especially in Doug's) was the perfect opportunity I'd been looking for.
You lucky dog! Congrats man! :thumbsup:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14422316#post14422316 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by stunreefer
You lucky dog! Congrats man! :thumbsup:

:) Thanks, he is in isolation in the main display. Happy to report he just ate some pellets!
Mike I am becoming extremely jealous of you tank now!

You... must... stop... I... can't... resist... much longer! Must... get... bigger... tank! :)
Wow, that bimac anthia is beautiful! Are they a more fragile anthia? I'm asking as I have not seen one before. I'm also looking for an Anthia for a large school for my new tank, but they would have to get along with my trio of Borbonius anthias.
SaraB - I scooped up a trio off divers den. My male hasn't developed full coloration like that, but hopefully will. My research indicated they can be a bit trickier since they are deepwater, but certainly not as tough as the ventralis. These guys are very shy it seems, but are all eating PE mysis, so I don't think they are that hard, just hard to find (this was the second time I've seen a trio pop up on LA, and havent ever seen them local).

Brandon - just convince the wife and I'm ready to help on the build ;) Get one of those 3x3 or 4x3 marinelands, we'll build a sweet looking stand for it, and you're good to go. It would look sweet in your living room...
Sara - I wouldn't suggest any anthias for a lookdown...unfortunately they are impressive jumpers. A carpet surfing bartletts is the reason I now have the screen on the top of my tank :( I've witnessed them jump 6-8" out of the water in a salt bucket while acclimating!

I'm not sure how aggressive borbs are, but they are a different genus of anthias, and I'm guessing wouldn't be as aggressive towards anthias that aren't the same body shape.
Thanks for the heads-up. All of my tanks have the mesh netting over them, so I'm not worried about any carpet surfers!

I've asked a friend about interesting Anthias for the 268G with the Borbs and he suggested a large school of them should be fine. Now I just have to find an anthia in my budget for a large school of them!
Sara - lyretails are always cool and probably the least expensive, although its my understanding you need a school of 8-10 to avoid aggression over the long term. Bartlett's are an awesome choice for a less aggressive species. The pink that the male develops when females are around is pretty awesome. Definitely read up since different anthias can have very different traits as far as aggression, etc. Some good reads I found on anthias (just wish Schultz had stuck around to finish...):

