Lets do this - 225+ reef bar

Daniel - the bellus looks great, one of my favorite fish. The tank also looks healthy - your zoas seem to be growing great, and it looks like you got the cyano cleared up?
Yeah Mike it looks like I beat that, and it was actually dino not cyano (or mix), thanks God.
Oh and you promised me another pictures of regal angel, I am still waiting :)
Nice angel.

mcliffy we need to have somebody lend you a PAR meter one of these days :D I'm dying to know what light its putting out. Obviously your corals are loving it, but I'm a sucker for numbers.

Hey I'll even ship you my PAR meter if you want to borrow it ;)
the tank looks awesome! still setting up mine (with similar dims). wondering what you're using for flow these days. i see vortech and tunze's (i think) and maybe even sea swirls... ?

What return pump do you have and how much flow thru your sump?

Do you have a sump layout pic somewhere thoughout this thread someone can point me to? do you run a DSB and fuge?

Ryan - thanks much for the offer. Eventually I'd like to do that.

tonyespinoza - I had some nanostreams in there when a vortech was in the shop. Right now I've got 4 vortechs and a snapper return on 2 sea swirls.

Snaza - if you go back to the beginning there should be a pic of the sump empty somewhere between pages 5-15...I'll try to check exact page later. The tank has two 1.5" overflows, one goes directly to the main sump, the other goes to the middle sump where the skimmer is, the middle sump then overflows into the main sump. In the chamber where all this is received, there is a small pump (eek a rio :) ) that pumps water to the frag tank. The frag tank overflows through a long pump to the far side of the sump which is the fuge. The fuge and the compartment receiving the two returns from the tank are separate and both overflow to a path that leads to the snapper return.

Jennmacc415 - Not sure the exact order, I'll make a close guess:

UVL Actinic
blue plus
ati AB special
blue plus
blue plus
UV aquasun
blue plus
AS duo
blue plus
AB special
fiji purple
blue plus
Also, no pics for a while...I tore my tank up to get the anemone out, and ended up having to give the ~25 lb. rock it was attached to away with it as it wouldn't release. (Thanks Mitch and Pattie again for helping me get it out and re-aquascape) With a main piece of the aquascape removed, I had to redo the left side aquascape. I still have the same circular lagoon shape, but I think I actually created some more space for corals. I'm going to wait a month for things to heal up from all the accidental fragging before posting more pics...
ahhh accidental fragging :) truth be told... at least half of my mille frags were accidental :) sometimes I would look at one of my colonies, and see a branch mysteriously missing... then I find it somewhere on my sandbed! thats what I get for not being careful :lol: the "frags" never seem to be damaged from being in the sand luckily
ozzman - I tried to PM you the other day, you are welcome to come by for some frags whenever.

Daniel - the anemone was getting HUGE and stinging and killing SPS all around it, so it had to go. The clowns ignored it for 3 months, so I figured they didn't need it, and I'd rather have a few more SPS.
ozzman - I tried to PM you the other day, you are welcome to come by for some frags whenever.

Daniel - the anemone was getting HUGE and stinging and killing SPS all around it, so it had to go. The clowns ignored it for 3 months, so I figured they didn't need it, and I'd rather have a few more SPS.
Updated FTS. Used a tripod and turned off the flow, but it still seems a little soft...ugh...having to decide whether to get a new pentax body, or switch to canon/nikon :(

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14768855#post14768855 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by tonyespinoza
sorry if i missed this in the pages before... but mind pointing me to your fish list? looks awesome!

Bluejaw Trigger (Xanthicthys auromarginatus)

Mata Tang (Acanthurus mata)

Purple Tang (Zebrasoma xanthurus)

Swallowtail Angel (f) (Genicanthus melanospilos)

Regal Angel (Indo-Pacific) (Pygoplites diacnthus)

Emperor Angel (Pomacanthus imperator)

Christmas Wrasse (Halichoeres ornatissimus)

(3 - 1m, 2f) Bimac Anthias (Pseudanthias bimaculatus)

Bicolor Anthias (Pseudanthias bicolor)

(2) Green Chromis (Chromis atripectoralis)

(3) Green Chromis (Chromis viridis)

(2) True Percula Clowns (Amphiron Percula)

(2) Bluestripe neon goby (Gobiosoma oceanops)

Lawnmower Blenny (Salarias fasciatus)

Pink/Blue Spotted Goby (Cryptocentrus leptocephalus)

Target Mandarin (Synchiropus picturatus)
Your tank is looking real good! :thumbsup:

Question for you, is the tank really that dark looking or is it simply because of the picture?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14784436#post14784436 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SunnyX
Your tank is looking real good! :thumbsup:

Question for you, is the tank really that dark looking or is it simply because of the picture?

Thanks much, still just trying to live up to your 225 ;)

Its not that dark, I just dial back the exposure so all the colors are captured -- the lighting is so bright it can easily wash out all the colors in the pictures.

I also just got my good lens for FTS back, and was just testing it out last night. I think I should be able to get some better results using it. All I have now is an actinic shot, so it is actually about this dark, and please excuse the pvc for nori-feeding and my cat sneaking into the pic :) I am much happier with the detail and sharpness of this pic though.
