Lets do this - 225+ reef bar

I actually set up all of the above, I have an ~40g (36x20x12) fuge compartment in the sump where I put all the sand from my old tank, then threw in about 80-100 lbs of rock, and some chaeto. I also usually run GFO and Carbon.

Up until a week ago I didn't dose anything. I'm a big fan of making one change at a time, so if things go wrong, you can isolate the problem. I'm finally at a point where I'm comfortable enough that I started VSV, and also picked up some aminos and trace elements. Too early to really tell, but I'll update as I observe the effects.
Looks great man! Your tank is really starting to mature!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14784500#post14784500 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mcliffy2
Thanks much, still just trying to live up to your 225 ;)

Its not that dark, I just dial back the exposure so all the colors are captured -- the lighting is so bright it can easily wash out all the colors in the pictures.

I also just got my good lens for FTS back, and was just testing it out last night. I think I should be able to get some better results using it. All I have now is an actinic shot, so it is actually about this dark, and please excuse the pvc for nori-feeding and my cat sneaking into the pic :) I am much happier with the detail and sharpness of this pic though.

Be careful with those aminos, Mike. They can really brown out your corals if overdosing. I went super cautious, and cut the recommended dosage in half for the first week.
SuperR - Thanks, cant wait to see your tank get going.

Jflip - I'd read some stories about the aminos too, so I'm dosing very conservatively now.
I Figured youd known, I would just hate to see the lose their color from where they are now. The corals are looking outstanding. I love that mata, Ive been eyeing the one at my LFS, too bad they get too big for my measley tank.
Mike, now that youre well into your tank, how are you liking the T5 fixture? I was debating going with 4x400 radiums/galaxy/lumenarc combo. But I noticed the 10x80 ATI 60" fixture wasnt too pricey at all. Are you happy with your decision to go with all T5s?
Stunning tank. Just read the thread from start to finish! I won't say exactly HOW much time I had on my hands today : )

I have a question regarding your background. Is that a black background (similar to the blue that some have on the their tank) or is that a vinyl piece "stuck" to the back? Curious as to how it is attached.

Great build thread - learned a lot from you experiences. That's what is great about this site!!


Thanks Craig. It is a black background that is painted on. On the topic of backgrounds, I have always thought it would be cool to have a removable black pvc sheet that you could place in the tank (held in place by magnets, w/ holes cut for powerheads). This way you could just remove the PVC sheet to clean it - you sacrifice a bit of tank space, but it makes maintenance a lot easier.
Thanks Mike. I am one who has the blule background (came on the tank - was not my doing) and really dislike it. I have no idea how easy / difficult it would be to remove as the back of the tank is about 3 inches from a wall. If I can get it removed, I may try and use a black acylic sheet attached (somehow) to the back of the tank. Not ideal but may be a better look. What do you think?

I like your idea of having something inside of the tank with cutouts for powerheads. My current tank is just 24" wide so perhaps in my next tank? : )

Looking forward to seeing your progression over the next few months!!

This one I did no processing on, just for fun (no it isn't quite that orange, but its pretty close):


My Tyree Undata that has gone all lavender :( Its kinda cool top-down, but rather blah from normal viewing angles...I want the coloration I had in my avatar back!


very nice! got any updated fts with all the bulbs on? i'm sure this looks even better in person because viewing pictures don't give depth of field. nice colors.
That is pretty amazing what happened to your undata. It has to be the lights. Do you think if you placed it lower in the tank that the green would come back?

Somebody is getting better with the camera!
Thanks IronMdn.

Brandon - eek, those were all taken with my G9 point and shoot :) I used the underwater housing so I could get top downs (my stupid clowns are always agitating the surface making top-side top-downs all but impossible.)

reefsahoy - those shots are a representative sample of the bulbs I'm running. 2 blue plus, 1 fiji purple, 1 AB Special. but...ask and you shall receive ;)

Here's a couple more macro pics and a FTS (not taken underwater :) ).

ORA Tort


blue-tip stag breaking the surface at low tide:

