Hello Mcliffy,
I have been following this project since the begining and I must say that I really like what you have done so far. This tank really captures the viewer´s attention, not only by its dimensions wich are very balanced but also by the colours achieved by the T5s and, my favourite part, the aquascape. Simple and clean, just how I like it!
So, all I can say is " keep up the good work and don´t forget to update the thread regularly". :thumbsup:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14156421#post14156421 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mcliffy2
Thus, the dark appearance. It is much brighter in person (and if anyone has tips on capturing the lighting intensity without losing the color of the corals, I'm all ears
I don´t know if you use Photoshop or not but, in order to avoid the dark issue without overexposing the final pictures, you could take them with the correct exposure and aperture for capturing good light in the tank and then, in Photoshop, you could use the " Shadow/Highlight" tool to correct the overexposer. Or, you can continue to use the same camera settings that you´ve been using and use the same tool in PS to lighten the picture. It´s really easy and you avoid touching the true colours of the tank.
I hope you don´t mind but I took the liberty to calibrate your pics by working a little bit the shadows. Only, without seeing the tank with the correct colours, it´s a " shot in the dark" ( I am also using a laptop). If you don´t like it, just say the words and I´ll edit the post to delete the pics.
What do you think?