Lets do this - 225+ reef bar

Thanks Joe.

I was playing with my macro lens, and the focusing seems to be ok on it (these pics were taken by hand and with water on, lazy-man style, so any lack of sharpness can be attributed to that.




Anyone know what this one is?




Finally relocated a large chunk of my ORA tort, which was hidden behind a couple other corals when I transferred to the new tank.


This is the DFS purple haze acro (A. Secale - I like how DFS actually states the scientific name of their corals, unlike ORA). It was given to me by danielp - thanks much Daniel!


view of birdsnest through a green and blue staghorn:

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You are very welcome, I think it's gonna be much more happy under your t5s then under mine pcs :)
Tank is unbelievable, my wife was mad at me that during the first 45mins our visit I didn't say a word, how can you blame me???
Thanks Daniel - I spend far more time than I care to admit staring at the tank :) I'm still amazed at the colors it had and how long you'd kept it under PCs....if I can keep it looking the same I'll be very happy.
what bulb combo are you using.i like it.does the tank get any lighter during the day or is it that dark all the time.great job
JR - The ATB is kicking butt. Virtually no break-in required it seems....

jgs107 - I think I'm going to just add my bulb combo to my sig :)

I'm running, 2 UVL Super actinics, 5 ATI Blue Plus, 2 Fiji Purple, 1 ATI Aquablue special, 1 Aquascience Duo, 1 Aquascience Special.

The tank is really not that dark. I dial back the exposure because otherwise the corals get overexposed, so they look washed out and you don't see the color. Thus, the dark appearance. It is much brighter in person (and if anyone has tips on capturing the lighting intensity without losing the color of the corals, I'm all ears :) ).
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14156421#post14156421 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mcliffy2
JR - The ATB is kicking butt. Virtually no break-in required it seems....
I have to totally agree here... so I got bored last night and my tank is a bit delayed, so I hooked up my ATB Medium with Airstar. I made two small water level adjustments; Once last night and once this morning, and its already noggin' up like crazy! :eek2:
Hello Mcliffy,

I have been following this project since the begining and I must say that I really like what you have done so far. This tank really captures the viewer´s attention, not only by its dimensions wich are very balanced but also by the colours achieved by the T5s and, my favourite part, the aquascape. Simple and clean, just how I like it!

So, all I can say is " keep up the good work and don´t forget to update the thread regularly". :thumbsup:

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14156421#post14156421 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mcliffy2
Thus, the dark appearance. It is much brighter in person (and if anyone has tips on capturing the lighting intensity without losing the color of the corals, I'm all ears :) ).

I don´t know if you use Photoshop or not but, in order to avoid the dark issue without overexposing the final pictures, you could take them with the correct exposure and aperture for capturing good light in the tank and then, in Photoshop, you could use the " Shadow/Highlight" tool to correct the overexposer. Or, you can continue to use the same camera settings that you´ve been using and use the same tool in PS to lighten the picture. It´s really easy and you avoid touching the true colours of the tank.

I hope you don´t mind but I took the liberty to calibrate your pics by working a little bit the shadows. Only, without seeing the tank with the correct colours, it´s a " shot in the dark" ( I am also using a laptop). If you don´t like it, just say the words and I´ll edit the post to delete the pics.



What do you think?

Very cool...I've only been using iPhoto to edit, but my girlfriend got me Aperture 2 for Christmas and I'm just learning to use it, so I'll have to try what you are talking about. The pics looks good, closer to the in person impact. Thanks!
rickyrooz - hard to compare, an initial guess, they seem about the same from an end result standpoint, but both are very good. But with the ATB I sleep easier at night, and the ATB does the job much more efficiently, a bit quieter (both are quiet, but the ATB is dead silent). I'd also have to say from my initial impression the ATB seems to be a bit more consistent.

Austin - glad to hear your new skimmer is working out well.
RE: Photography.

The camera seems to be seeing a lot of "blueness" in the lights. Our eye/brains ignore that pervasive blue (or any overall colour). You can get the camera to do the same by adjusting "white balance".

If your camera doesn't have the ability to manually white balance, try different white balance settings. "open shade" works best for me, but my lighting is very different than yours. Look to your sand...it should be basically white coloured (I think).

Having taken the shot as best you can, look to adjust colour balance in your photo editing. Some programs give you a quick white/grey adjustment where you can just point at something you know to be white/grey and it will adjust. (I use Kodak EasyShare and my Naso tang, which is a nice neutral grey). If your program doesn't do that, you may have to adjust the colours manually by moving the Red/Green/Blue individually.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14164012#post14164012 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jennmac415
Mike... how could I do you combo and get the same results colorwise with only 7 bulbs???

Id say get 1 uvl super actinic, 1-2 ATI Aquablues, 1 Fiji Purple, and 3-4 ATI blue plus. Then play around with either 2/3 or 1/4 on the aquablue/blue plus ratio to get the blue to your liking.
thanks... I do tend to like it on the bluer side so I think I will get 4 Blue plus, 1 Aquablue, 1 fiji purple and then 1 super actinic...
jenn - that will be very blue, but I think you'll like it. I think you should be ok PAR-wise because the blue plus bulbs put out quite a bit.

Untamed - I always adjust the white balance to try to get the sand to white (see pic below). T5 bulbs are just really blue, and there is only so much adjusting you can do on the camera and iPhoto (my camera only adjusts up to 10k). Also, with T5s, you have different spectrums in different parts of the tank, so its hard to get the WB consistent throughout. I did just get Aperture 2, so that will allow me to do more sophisticated editing than what I can do in iPhoto.

Here's a few recent pics, still having issues with the focus, but these came out OK. Gary Parr was kind enough to take some pics this morning, and when I get his, I'll post them (and then throw my camera out when I realize how unworthy I am :) )







