SaraB - glad to hear the chalice is doing well. It seems like it is heartier than most - deals well with the flow of an sps tank, which others I've had have not. As for frags, think of my tank like a free LFS...if I can frag it, and youre standing there, its yours. you will want to QT acros for AEFW, so thats a good excuse to pick them up a month before your new tank is running
Maxx - I definitely am a believer in QT now too, at least most of the time. I definitely have ich, and the system isnt being broken down to catch all the fish anytime soon, so Im trying to "live with" ich. I've had the Mata for 5 months and he developed ich almost immediately and has had it on and off ever since. Hes fat and growing, and otherwise seems happy, so I'm doing my best to keep him that way and we'll see how it goes. When I get new fish, I will, as a general rule QT, except in certain circumstances. For example, I did not QT the blue-jaw and purple tang. I bought them from a local reefer who had had both for over a year. Both were fat as can be, and had no signs of disease, nor did any other fish in the system. No new fish had been added to his system for 6 months, and there had been no deats in the last 6 months. Based on this info, my observations, and the fact that both species could hold their own and wouldn't be bullied, I decided that adding them directly was the better choice. And it seems to be working out, both showed a few spots of ich initially, but those have gone away now.
The skimmer is an ATB L.
As for the photos, I think its more than just an F-Stop. Its that when I'm standing 4-5 ft from the subject, the whole pic is blurry (like with a FTS - I had to crank the sharpness in iphoto to the max in the ones posted, and they are still a bit blurry). What you are describing (I think?) is the depth of field difficulties commonly experienced with macro shots.
Untamed - I think I'm going to try crushed coral (possibly CA reactor media) and see if that will stay put.
PSam - you are welcome whenever, same deal as sarab with frags