Lets See SPS LED Tanks!

Nice tank JG1,very nice clean aquascape,here is my 225 with two diy fixtures with 58 to 59 LEDs on each fixtures with 3 w crees. I switched from 250 watt MH to LEDs because the MH didnt penetrate deep enough.
Hi, Haksar, thanks, how do u like the Orphek light? Is your Orphek 90 optic or 120 optic? I' m going to get 3 fixtures for my set up. My tank (60l x 36d x 24h) top less (love top less :-) ) do u think 3 will be enough light for the tank? Thanks again.

Nice tank JG1,very nice clean aquascape,here is my 225 with two diy fixtures with 58 to 59 LEDs on each fixtures with 3 w crees. I switched from 250 watt MH to LEDs because the MH didnt penetrate deep enough.

this is pretty awesome... all kinds of variety :)
here are a couple pics of my 150g lit by Pacific Sun BP cree leds. love these lights and the flexibility with them...this tank has been under leds since the start (Solaris for the first year and a half, pacific suns added a few months ago), the red monti on the top left has tripled in size over the past 2 years


Nice tank JG1,very nice clean aquascape,here is my 225 with two diy fixtures with 58 to 59 LEDs on each fixtures with 3 w crees. I switched from 250 watt MH to LEDs because the MH didnt penetrate deep enough.

PTR13, What are the dim's of your tank...??? im wondering if it is like mine 72x24x30. I thought i was going to need three fixtures, but it looks like you only have two...
Hi, Haksar, thanks, how do u like the Orphek light? Is your Orphek 90 optic or 120 optic? I' m going to get 3 fixtures for my set up. My tank (60l x 36d x 24h) top less (love top less :-) ) do u think 3 will be enough light for the tank? Thanks again.


Its a 90 optic,the PAR is amazing on these light and had to back off and raise the lights to its present level since the corals started to bleach.But I will lower the lights after a few months.But over all I am happy.I may buy another Orphek in the next six months.
New to reef central here is my led 90 gallon.

New to reef central here is my led 90 gallon.

These are DIY fixtures with 24 xr-e blue and 12 xr-e white. plus 6 xp-g per fixture, the xp-g are not powered on yet. The fixtures are 12'' off the water and there was plexi glass over the top to dim light for the first few weeks. Growth and colors are great!
I have seen a lot of great led SPS tanks I thought I would add a couple of pics to the mix.reef led 062.jpg

reef led 065.jpgreef led 067.jpgreef led 039.jpg
LEDs work for reef keeping like all current lighting systems. I think before anyone passes judgement, they should have the experience to be able to create a system comparable to TOTM or the likes. Only then can an accurate comparison and judgements be made. I am definitely still searching for my groove, but IME, water chemistry and stability have much more to do with coral colors than lighting. Back in the 90s, people were growing acros with 65k MH, now 20k seems most popular. Then T5s came and people couldn't get over that and had to compare. Now the same with LEDs. I don't think there's any reason to identify what's "best", just whatever works for the individual.
Anyways, here are some pics from today.



