Lets See SPS LED Tanks!

Its just you. Really? REALLY? reeeaaaallly? If I had the inclination id post multiple links of drab, brown, white, ugly MH/T5 tanks that somehow get raving comments.. Not everyone has great sps with LED, same goes for MH/T5, but there are CLEARY great looking tanks with just led, as with mh/t5.


Yes Really!! I have seen and maintained both and IMO the colors don't compare. LED is the future for sure but just not there yet IMO :) And yes I know lighting is only the half of it ;)
Went LED about 3 weeks ago from all T5, I did get a little light shock, beu everything is starting to settle in. I am reall starting to love these LEDS,
300g tank, 8x160W Maxspect LED for 4 months now. So far so good.:p

<a href="http://picasaweb.google.com.tw/lh/photo/C6E382QZGnGs3PbCWoU7kw?feat=embedwebsite"><img src="http://lh4.ggpht.com/_TXu_oZVMDqo/S-Aa92444xI/AAAAAAAACVs/UEk-Tk1DN3g/s800/PICT1546.JPG" /></a>

Is that a Centropyge Resplendens ?!?
I've found LEDs work extremely well for SPS. The addition of multiple blue wavelengths (B,RB,CW) has been able to generate colorful corals in all, but some select red toned stonies.


1 yr under AI Sol. Super Blue Model - 95%RB 90%B 45%CW​

For example, an orange M. setosa went from orange to pink. The red corals are still colorful, but some require neutral white / warmer LEDs to pull out what we normally see in T5s and MH.

Is that a Centropyge Resplendens ?!?

Same color pattern, different species. Starcki Damselfish (Chryspitera starcki).HTH,
I've found LEDs work extremely well for SPS. The addition of multiple blue wavelengths (B,RB,CW) has been able to generate colorful corals in all, but some select red toned stonies.


1 yr under AI Sol. Super Blue Model - 95%RB 90%B 45%CW​

For example, an orange M. setosa went from orange to pink. The red corals are still colorful, but some require neutral white / warmer LEDs to pull out what we normally see in T5s and MH.

Same color pattern, different species. Starcki Damselfish (Chryspitera starcki).HTH,

Hi there, I have always enjoyed your site. Can you please post full details of the above tank and if possible a link to the tanks photo gallery?

I did look at your site, but only found one article showing the halide/LED/Sol Blue lighting you have over the tank etc.

leds seem to need a few more years before the majority will move over

I think its more because of the price than whether or not they are capable of doing what we need them to do. I think a lot of people would switch today if they could justify the $$$$$$$$
and whats the top led fixture on the market in your guys opinion

Top commercial fixtures IMHO would be Aqua Illuminations and Orphek, maybe Vertex too, but there have been some issues with some of the features they offer.

I am of the opinion that you can build a fixture that will meet the specific needs of your individual tank better for much less.
I'd actually go beyond that with my experience by saying high power LED's are BETTER than both right now. I used to have 8 good T5's in a tek over my sps tank. I've had more than double the growth in half the time with LED's at 1/3rd the power (meaning dimmed through drivers, not just the great power consumption) of what they can do over the last 4 months. I had corals that were just spreading blobs that are now branching beauties. The growth and light customization is really pleasing.

I don't understand how you can say "better"? LED are still providing part of the spectrum with hardly any UV. The best tanks I see on here are supplementing with Actinic T5s. Were you just keeping deep water species under high light, could that be the reason? Did you change anything else? Water flow has a lot to do with branching and "blobbing". Or are you saying that these LEDs components that were manufactured for a flashlights are actually a better light for corals than a halide or T5 made for reef aquariums?
I don't understand how you can say "better"? LED are still providing part of the spectrum with hardly any UV. The best tanks I see on here are supplementing with Actinic T5s. Were you just keeping deep water species under high light, could that be the reason? Did you change anything else? Water flow has a lot to do with branching and "blobbing". Or are you saying that these LEDs components that were manufactured for a flashlights are actually a better light for corals than a halide or T5 made for reef aquariums?

I'll not answer all of your questions, as I am not positive that LEDs are better in all respects than metal halides or T5s (though I am an LED proponent). However, LEDs are better in efficiency and longevity. They do not output UV (unless specifically designed to), nor do t5s, and the halide bulbs are shielded so that the UV rays do not get out. Corals do not care whether lights are made for flashlights or for any other purpose. I will tell you that I do have good growth and color using only LEDs over the past year.

this thread has me thinking ;) leds are pretty darn cool... and you get some great "pop" with those blue leds, or whatever they are called... sorry, im a led noob, or newer since i know nothing of them lol
I'll not answer all of your questions, as I am not positive that LEDs are better in all respects than metal halides or T5s (though I am an LED proponent). However, LEDs are better in efficiency and longevity. They do not output UV (unless specifically designed to), nor do t5s, and the halide bulbs are shielded so that the UV rays do not get out. Corals do not care whether lights are made for flashlights or for any other purpose. I will tell you that I do have good growth and color using only LEDs over the past year.


I should have said UV-A not B,or C. T5s and halides do emit UV-A and more violet wavelengths. The UV-A wavelength will help corals build up pigments to shield/reflect from these UV-A rays. That is why I have trouble believing a most of these LEDs are to do that. I am not saying they wont grow coral, but i am questioning if they grow coral better. I don't understand this when LEDs emit such a narrow spectrum. How is the quality better? It doesn't seem possible yet. There is a new LED manufacturer I have some hope in though.
The UV-A wavelength will help corals build up pigments to shield/reflect from these UV-A rays.

Dana Riddle has done a lot of research on this. Here is an early article on the subject from 2004:

A follow-up article, as part of his series on coral coloration, was presented in 2007:

Here's a telling exerpt from the article:
" These wavelengths are known to induce coloration (as demonstrated by ‘reddening’ of green pigments in many stony corals), so the logical conclusion is not to shield the lamps at all, but, instead, irradiate the corals with UVR for coloration. This conclusion, as sensible as it seems, could have dire consequences for at least some of your captive corals. Ultraviolet radiation, at wavelengths known to induce coloration and in quantities produced by artificial light sources, has been shown to induce a shut-down of photosynthesis in a process known as dynamic photoinhibition (for a example of photoinhibition by artificial UVR, see Riddle, 2004). "

That is why I have trouble believing a most of these LEDs are to do that. I am not saying they wont grow coral, but i am questioning if they grow coral better.

I don't think that there has been enough research done to show that one way or another. Also, what is better? Quicker growth? More vibrant colors? What about better colors in one region but worse in another?

I don't understand this when LEDs emit such a narrow spectrum. How is the quality better? It doesn't seem possible yet. There is a new LED manufacturer I have some hope in though.

That's one reason that people are starting to use a combination of colors in their builds. I currently have violet, royal blue, cool white and neutral white LEDs. Also, neither metal halides nor fluorescents provide a truly broad spectrum of color, although broader than specific LEDs, they have large peaks and dips in their outputs as well.

i'm stayin away from LED cuz its expensive. usually a strip cost around 150 bucks and there must be some trips for reefin so totally together the buget can easily soar up over several hundreds, leavin alone the fixture blablabla