Lets See SPS LED Tanks!

Lol. Yes that is what I meant. Sorry guys. I see how that may have not been clear. I am totally sold on LED and completely advocate that option especially when factoring in operating costs into the decision. I was merely indicating that if one were to stop using LED, the next comparable choice with regard to energy between halides and t5 would be the t5. Most t5 users feel that the results are as good if not better than halides.
I am going on three years withe LEDs and while the growth rates are slower than when I had 250 watt halides, the color is great. In fact my acroporas have spawned twice now with this setup I built. If someone can tell me how to post photos I can prove it all. BTW its an all SPS 90g with clams as well. 2 of the clams and most of the corals are a foot wide or bigger!
I am going on three years withe LEDs and while the growth rates are slower than when I had 250 watt halides, the color is great. In fact my acroporas have spawned twice now with this setup I built. If someone can tell me how to post photos I can prove it all. BTW its an all SPS 90g with clams as well. 2 of the clams and most of the corals are a foot wide or bigger!

I would love to see this tank...

Get an account on Photobucket or other free image hosting site. Upload an image and then copy the IMG line into your post. Do a preview to ensure it works, then hit submit. It is easy once you have the account. You don't even have to do a copy, just click on the IMG line under the picture you want to post and it is copied. Then go to RC and paste it into the post.
here's a few pics from my 6x2x2, been running led's from the start (august 2011). Running 3 Radion's since they were released.






Since you made the swap from MH/ T5 how is your growth? Not exactly happy with my T5's currently and may make the switch.

Gorgeous reef, btw!
SPS growth under LED is a little slower compared to MH, but in fact all SPS are still grow good enough
iv had t5 before switching over to led , the leds been on the tank now for over a year with 10 neutral whites and 18 royal blue 2 blue its a 75 gal tank the leds are only on one side cause i wasn't sure about the leds and didn't want to spend the money till i was sure, and im still not sure. i get no grow out of this tank since its been set up over a year ago still dont i had the blue leds running at 550 milliamps and the whites running at around 350 milliamps if i go any higher it seems to bleach my frags , my stawberry shortcake frag has been in the tank over 6 months with no growth and awful color i just bought some frags at a frag swap a week ago red planet, limeade ,fire and ice .ponape birdsnest, forest fire digitta and garf bonsi so far the colors are holding up but time will tell. I have several friends that went to led and they all get good growth and color but not me i see alot of nice tanks on here with great color and growth and i just dont understand why my tank just dosent do anything, im not blaming the leds but it seems like something is missing in my tank is the reason nothing is growing and the colors are not there water always checks out fine nitrates are a little high in the 20 phosphates is at 0.03 on the hanna cal at 450 alk at 10 , hell i cant even get coralline algae to grow in the year and half old tank .