Let's see those mushroom pictures!

hey brianemone ...... I have a few colors of those.




you can see more of my pics at www.120gallonreefs.com

Figured I'd show mine.......but they are certainly no comparison to most other keepers pictured here..........

here goes....
Well, yes did seemed bleached to me as well.......but with some hint of colour throughout them.....

I mean I did notice that they were lacking a decent amount of colour, but I wanted to at least try to get them into shape......

They have been responding well....as I've only had them two days. I'm not so much a shroom keeper but have read up on them for a while and this was the first colony that really caught my eye, even if they did seem to be lacking a bit......

I do hope they pull through, as i've read about some other members here going through the same thing either being poor shippers or switched over from one extreme system to another.....
Yeah, they do look clear per say marlooney......but they do have a hint of colour left on them......and I wanted to see if I was able to pull them through this...as I was sure the LFS wasn't going to make much of an effort.

They have been eating......they took mysis and cyclops.........you would suggest to kep target feeding them right????
target feeding would help. slowly acclimating to stonger light would too. mysis sounds kinda big for shrooms to be injesting... but i guess it depends on the type... some even eat live fish. luckily they're in the caring hands of a reef enthusiast instead of your LFS. i hope they do well. they look to be in good condition except for the lack of coloration. nice pic too. keep taking pics to see how they change over time. it'd make a nice thread. good luck.
Hey marlooney...

Many thanks for the kind words.

well, yes, exactly so.......as I saw them.....there was a tinge of colour and deemed them better in my hands than any others (LFS's)

So they seen to be doing very very well........and there is a thread on them, in this forum, under "Help ID???"

I have fed them twice thus far......each except two of which I CAN NOT get any mysis to stay put as they are sideways on the rock......have eaten the mysis with gusto so it seems.......they did so well the first time....and about an hour or two later, I said may as well give them another go since they did so well with the mysis from the first feeding.

They do look a bit more extended even....I know it seems like a very short period of time..........but, it may just be because they have just finished eating.....

ALSO.....I don't want to keep yapping about this in this thread as it's dedicatd to "non bleached" rics....=o)

So, many thanks again. You'll see more pics soon.
rocco try putting a bit more light on them. They look like Rhodactis, and with any luck you will get blue and green out of them. :D