LF: 45 mm drill bit or drill bit for 1" bulkhead


Active member
Like the title says. I need to borrow it to drill some holes into my tank ASAP. the tank im drilling is to replace my current tank that is leaking a good amount on the bottom seals. Need to find one ASAP!!
If its acrylic pick up awood bit at home depot. If its glass you probably need more time,mand will need a glass bit.
I think i have one but you are a ways from me. I know my home depot sells glass hole saws. But you are looking at $50 to $60 easy.
If you have a Harbor Freight store near you, they sell cheap diamond impregnated hole saws. You can make several holes before it wears out, but it's best to do them all in one sitting. When stored after use, the Harbor Freight hole saws rust pretty badly. IIRC, I paid about $10.00.