LF: 90g to 120g tank


New member
I am ready to take the plunge into an upgrade.

I would really like a rimless 90 or 120 gallon, nothing longer than 48" though. If it isn't rimless, no worries - still interested.

Shoot me a pm if you have a tank for sale or if you know someone that does.

Ideal dimensions are 36"x24"x24"
Its not as large as what you want, but I will be selling my 36x30x16 rimless next month after i transfer everything to new aquarium.
I can take some newer ones. Bought some of Biggar's sps frags and they have taken off.
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I have made up my mind on the size - looking for a 125g long (72x18x21)\

If anyone has one for sale please PM me
Well, if you go back on your decision, I have a 3' x 2' x 2' peninsula style tank with a quality, overbuilt stand. The stand needs to be finished, though. It's pine and It needs doors and paint/stain.

the tank's at my parents' house. I'll take some pics Tuesday after work before heading down to the FMAS meeting. The stand is very nice, but, like I said, just needs doors and a finish. The inside of the stand is already primed with Kilz, so at least that part is ready to go. It's way overbuilt and probably could handle the weight of a bus. The tank is thick glass but the edges aren't beveled so it's certainly not Felix/Reef Savvy quality, but then again, few tanks are. I also have a really nice sump, I think it's about 32" x 24" x 18" (length x width x height). I'll give you a great deal on the tank and stand. I also have a never used Super Reef Octopus 2000SSS (the space saver with bubble blaster pump), and two new 4 x 36" IceCap t5 retrofit units (needs reflectors) with two never used IceCap 660's. I have an Eheim 1260 and 1262 as well, but I love those pumps and use them for different things, bt could certainly part with one of them. I was going to set this tank up about 4 years ago, but moved to downtown Miami for 3 years and couldn't set it up there. I bought a place in Boca almost a year ago and will be setting up a 180g soon, so I have no use for the 90g anymore. If you want the whole package, we can work something out, but if you just want the tank and stand I'll give you what I think is a pretty good price. I'd rather see it go to someone that wants it instead of sitting at my parents' house. Send me a PM with your cell number and I'll send you some pics Tuesday, or if you're going to the FMAS meeting, I'll show you the pics then.