lfs guy smashed xenia against bag now it wont open


New member
I just bought a frag with 4 small xenias. Took em out of paper bag to find one had been squished against the plastic bag. All the others have opened up and are pulsating and looking fine. The smashed one is just hanging there all limp. Is it dead or just injured and may eventually recover?
it may recover, it may not. No big deal. The others will multiply if your tank parameters can support them. Some people have no luck and the xenia melts away in days. The stuff likes "dirty" water.
They should be fine. Just make sure all he water tests come out good. It may take a few days for it to recover. If I was you and saw them miss handle it I wouldn't have got it.
Well in my tank, they are considered weed, but I like them! So far every Xenia frag I made by cutting them, ripping them, and what not have survived and made a full recovery. I am hoping to make a bunch of frags and bring it into the LFS for credits. :)

You will be fine, give it some time to get use to the surroundings. Mine started to melt, but then it made a full recovery. I have two types in my tank.
Xenia is the type of hit or miss (at different times) coral for each reefer. When I first tried it after 2 years reefing, it was a near hit, then a miss. I tried it again later on and it was a hit. Many things could influence them, but all in all it will either completely work out or not.
I've had the same results with Xenia. I had a beautiful colony for the longest time and then one day it all melted away.

I got another frag to start another colony and that died quite fast.

Back in May I got a few frags of Pulsing Xenia and glued them to a dead coral skeleton. It's been doing great.

Hit or miss with Xenia seems to be the general concensous.
day 3 and the squished one is slowly getting better. It's lil arms are up and pulsating a lil bit. Its truck is still all squished in tho. The others are doing great, fully extended and pulsating. Thanks for all ur responses...This is a great community.
If the xenia does well in your tank... you will wish that stalk would have died... then you will wish you never put it in there!
My first two Xenia attmepts ended up in it melting away in a few days. Lately it has spread like crazy. I will surely have to end up fragging some or just giving it away to the LFS.
I have found that when the xenia is in contact with the plastic bag for a period of time, it never seems to recover for me.