Life cycle of the montipora eating nudi

mjcarl said:
<What species of wrasses have you found to eat the nudis?

There are a few species which I believe eat them, and a few species I know eat them. Pseudocheilinus sp. and Coris sp. wrasses are ones that I'm pretty sure eat them. In a few tanks w/ these wrasses the nudibranchs numbers are always very low. The Thalassoma sp. I know eat them from a study done by a student out in Hawaii. He found the Saddleback wrasse and Chaetodon auriga would readily eat the nudi that preys on Porites. He also found a variety of inverts (crabs and such) would also eat them. I have the paper if your interested in viewing it.


What inverts eat them??

I just noticed I have a bunch of these nudis too!!!!:mad:
Ordering my Yellow Coris wrasse this week. I'd like to buy one locally, but you can get them on the internet between $10 and $15.
No matter how diligent I am, (Dips, scrubs, dirty looks) they keep coming back.
I couldn't bare to lose my prized montis...
I lost every single one of my monties(except my Superman). Even put them in a quarantine with only corals, used several diff dips. They always came back. I was able to use a real low salinity and watch them all die. The corals made it through, but they always came back. Those things are evil. I ended up starting completely from scratch when we moved. I completely killed all my LR and started over with new. Those things are evil!! Copper won't even kill them without killing the coral first. I tried everything but that Levamisol or what ever it was called. I really hope these things don't become common. I do have yellow coris wrasses now so we'll see if I get them again. Those things cost me 1000's of $$
I just noticed that I have the little buggers. They must have either gotten on my coral while it was being babysat or they came in on my 80lbs of live rock. So far I can see them laying eggs under my montipora spongodes...although they haven't done much damage yet. The biggest damage has been done to my purple cap. As soon as I saw the buggers I dipped them in Reefdip(2x recommended dose) and bobbed it up and down in the dip. This was enough to get all of the hatched nudis off except for the ones wedged in the nodules...those I had to use a toothbrush to get out. I don't know if it had any effect on the eggs so I am probably going to remove it again and scrape off all of the eggs.

Has anyone else had experience using reefdip to get rid of these guys?
I've been using Lugols, a very strong solution of it. They curl up as soon as they hit the container with the strong lugols. I then use a tooth brush to get the rest and eggs. It's the colonies that I have that are attached to 50lb rocks that I cant get out. I may have to break them up...
What's in Reefdip?
Reef Dipâ„¢ contains elemental iodine complexed to a protective slime coat for safely and gently disinfecting corals. It is effective against bacteria, fungus, and protozoans. It may be used prophylactically (without evidence of disease) or to remedy diseased specimens. It is safe to use with both stony and soft corals. It is also safe for anemones and polyps.
I tried reefdip and lugols. Problem with these things is they aren't just on the coral. They're everywhere. It even seems they can live at least several months without any Montipora in the system.

This is what I have. Same thing...maybe not...but they sure are eating my montis!!!:mad:
Yep, those are the little buggers!
I haven't noticed any for a few days, but I bet they're on one of my caps. I'd just hate to have to break it off it's rock.
So far I have had decent success doing what Northbay did. I haven't seen any since I did my second dip and basting. You just have to have good eyes to spot these little buggers.
You're telling me that you would wait until night, use a flashlight and then attack the nudi's with a toothpick?!
There has got to be a better way! I can barely see them, let alone hold a flashlight still and then attack them with a toothpick.
You're a better person then me, can I hire you to come over and do this for me? :lmao:
I was also attack by these nudibranches a month ago. I didn't know better so I dip them in fresh water.. Yea that did kill some of the bigger one, but my monti lost most of the color.. :(.. Yea I should have research and ask before doing it.. Then I was killing them with the toothpick method for a week or two..

So far, I think I got most of them.. I haven't seen any lately..

I hoping here that they will not come back!!!

Good Luck everyone..
I was under the impression that my nudibranch were lettuce nudi's until i lost a 12" green cap and about 30% of my red cap, even after fragging the big green apart, all of the frags had been eaten :( I havent seen any for a few weeks now and the white areas on my red cap seem to be slowing their growth. I sure hope theyre all gone. and to think, I was actually happy to have baby nudibranchs on my glass. Dumb Dumb Dumb! shoulda known better. thanks for the pics and info on how to get rid of them guys, you may have saved my 8" red monti cap!
I have also noticed that my royal gramma was picking them off the glass when there were lots of them after the first hatch. He wasnt necessarily eating them, but he would mouth them and spit them out, im sure after a few chews, they didnt have much of a chance and the numbers dwindled quickly (from about 100 on the glass to 0 in about a week) jeez i wish i woulda known about these bastages before.