

New member
Do yall think I'll be ok with dual 175 MH. I want to be able to keep everything. I would like PC's with the MH's but a little cheaper to go with MH only. I could go up to dual 250's and be ok, yall think?
For a 20L tank, I think one 175 W would be enough for anything in terms of light. For the 90g, I would go with 2-3 250 W MH, depending on the dimensions of the tank. Some people would argue for 400 W, and that would allow more light-loving animals towards the bottom.
I agree with Jonathan.

I have the 150 watt light and now wish I would have gone with at least the 250 watt. I intend to have a mixed reef so I will be able to get away with some softies etc without much trouble. But my ability to go with other corals will not happen without upgrading my lights.

If I were you I would get as much light as you can so you won't be in my position. With 400 or so watt lights you will have to expose your corals to the light a little at a time or they will be harmed.

250 will allow you to keep more than I can by quite a ways.




A regular 90 gallon is 24" deep. 250 watt is good for just about any inverts up to 24 inches. Over 24 then go with 400's. 175 is good up to 18". That's the rule of thumb as I know them. Now if you have a DSB in a 24" deep tank then 175's should be fine. Although some of the more light demanding clams might prefer to be alittle higher off the sand bed.