Little Beasties in Filter


Can anyone throw any light on what these are. I took 4 out of the filter but never seen them before.

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Thanks. Now the curiosity question kicks in. From where? Nothing has been added to the tank for well over a year?

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They were always there. You just didn't see them.


Most only venture out at night looking for decaying matter to munch on. So, if you want to be really freaked out by your tank, get up at 2 AM, leave the room lights off, and use a red lens on a flashlight to look at your aquarium.


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Tiny, likely epitokes which are a reproductive phase of polychaete worms. As mentioned above, check your tank out at 0'dark thirty. Epitokes tend to swim/swirl in the water column while larger bristleworms will be scouring the sand and rcome.