Live Brine and Mysis


New member
My dragon goby (brown banded goby) doesn't seem to be interested in the frozen brine or mysis. I tried feeding him nori, but he is not interested in it either. He just swims around and sifts the sand. There isn't much algae growing in my tank either.

Does anyone know where I can get live brine or mysis shrimp locally? Maybe even brine shrimp eggs I can hatch myself.


you can get live brine shrimp @ salty fin, but they only have them the day of shippment. so you have to cal monday and see when they get their next shipment in.
You can buy the eggs of the brine shrimp online. Also, Reef Nutrition has all kinds of live foods from macro algae to pods. My mandarin goby just destroys the amount of pods in my tank. So i have to re-seed every 4-5 months.

Also, if he is still alive and not eating prepared foods, you must have a healthy pod population. I don't know where they find the pods, but they do. Which I guess is good thing and a sign of a healthy tank.
He looks happy and fat so far. I guess I just got a bit worried because since I got him I haven't seen him eat any of the food I've added to the tank
Maybe the food that he "didn't eat" went to the pods. Happy pods multiply faster too! :lol: So, if he is fat and happy, that is great news that you have a healthy pod population.
I finally saw the goby eating. I sorta figured out what has been happening. I usually feed very lightly. The goby is super shy and hides in his little self dug home when I get near the tank to feed. By the time he figures out that I'm feeding the other fish have beat him to the food. Yesterday I fed a little heavier than usual and noticed the goby eventually came out of his hiding spot and went all out on the frozen brine.

So that solves my mystery. I'm happy he's actualy eating. Now I know to feed a bit heavier.