live stream of vulgaris octopus

For those of you who know me, if Casper is not doing anything, Text me. I can always get her up. She loves interaction. Its when no one is by the tank that she goes in and hides
For anyone who tried the link and it said no camera. I was swapping TVs out today and missed that I had unplugged my internet. Sorry. Its working now. If by chance it says no camera hit the circle in the middle of the vid.
She's not a fan of the algae scraper, huh? when I was watching, you went to clean the glass for second and she smoked that thing. It was pretty incredible. I think you might've even jumped a bit, lol.
LOL I do as much as I can to keep her entertained. She loves chasing the algae scrapper. You will also notice there are large legos in the tank. Sometimes you will see her playing with them
Cool. Which type of camera setup is this? My tank is in my computer/office room and am curious if it's pretty easy to setup?
very easy. i am using a common web cam. I run it through a program called Ivideon which is really more for security cams. To be anble to offer a link to everyone it does cost 5$ but if its just for personal use on any of your personal items like ypur phone. its free