Local livestock sources: Qw


New member
Where do you go for fish purchases?
and for corals?

I'm in need of some new fishes..
I'm guessing Neptunes is probably my best bet.. is Robert cool about placing orders? or do you get the ole :hammer: over the head

I would much prefer to buy from someone who is getting MAC certified stock. (does Neptunes?)

I either order my fish from saltwaterfish.com, PP, neptune, or Kiiiiiing aquarium.

Corals usually come from neptune or all these hustlers around here.:bum:
Cool. Thanks gents. QM seems to have a good selection of MAC livestock.. of course one of the fishes I am interested in is only listed in the "Wild" selection. Do they only list available stock? or is that a complete list of what they have access too?

Any other input? Come on now people. Use that keyboard..