local people?

freshly cleaned sand is priceless around these parts.... nice score lol. My tank is taking a lil bit to fill up. 24 hours in I've filledabout 6 inches of water.
with RO water, i'm assuming? since its taking a bit long .. which unit do you have?

I picked up the AirWaterIce Typhoon III & very pleased with it.

o by the way the sand looks really good in the tank. Now I'm going to have to get rid of my maroon clown in fear of him causing a sandstorm and clouding the water.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7783842#post7783842 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by coralfarmer84
lol soon real soon.... come see it in person and bring some RO water :) lol

I want some too! i am about out.
well .. my tank project has been put on hold for a month or so ... last night my washer took a S**T .... that'll give me enough time to prepare & run cables/plumbing & plan some more ....
pssst... over hear... tanks are only cool with fish in them lol. Think it over and get back to us... Hence reefcentral, not empty tank central :lol: :lol:

tank now has 10 inches of water in it :p
I'm at bill smith right now getting a new set .... I think the tank project has been stoped for more than just 1 month ... Urg! ::broke::
that really sucks.... my tank sure is filling slow, but i guess it will be worth it in the end. Maybe we should start a new thread, this one is getting kind of long
should we name it "Local People II" ?

yes, it sucks ... i bought a new set ... front load ... been wanting them for a while, just didn't expect to get them this soon. :-/

anybody need a dryer? maytag performa ... not dented, very good condition. $150 OBO .... will deliver in fort myers, cape coral, lehigh on full price for free.
Just found this Forum. Ive got a 55 gal fish/soft coral tank. And a buddy of mine has a 250 fish/coral. We both dive and collect whats allowed from the local waters and the Keys. If you want something let me know. If we can find and catch it , its yours.
Any reef safe fairy wrasses around here? Diving sounds really fun, I'd like to get certified oneday myself. What are the local reefs like, anything spectacular...