Local Petco Thread


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RC Mod
Last week and this week, Ellisville Petco, nothing good. Talked to the fish guy who said he’s not allowed to order anything good until they sell more SW livestock.

How the hell are you going to make sales (to order more SW livestock) if you’ve had the same stuff in stock for 6 months?

Yes, that Neon Goby is tempting, but not something I’ve been looking for. Get something more interesting like the Derasas or LTAs you used to get in and I might buy livestock.

Petco’s policies are plain stupid.

/end rant
Yeah, at this point the one in Fenton is the only one that gives me any hope.

On a side note, I know you are into nems. Would you be interested in a green rock nem? Thinking about moving it on to clear up some space in the future.
@bradleym do you also rebuild LED lights? For some reason I’m thinking I remember you do. If so, I might have something for you😉
We have dogs, cats, birds and fish.
The only thing Petco sells we buy is cat litter which we can get anywhere. The Petco just happens to be close.
It had the same 5 salter fish for months. The same for the freshwater ones.
My local Petco that’s newly built doesn’t carry saltwater but their more of a farm store. They carry chickens, ducks, in addition to FW, Reptiles and Small animals.

The one about 30 min away won’t order new livestock until they “have a properly trained” person to care for them.

The one about an hour away always gets in new stuff just nothing “new” for me. They get the LTA’s, softies, BTA’s etc. but I want one that does what my moms store in Virginia does ordering Hammers, torches, browned out Acro frags, etc
We have dogs, cats, birds and fish.
The only thing Petco sells we buy is cat litter which we can get anywhere. The Petco just happens to be close.
It had the same 5 salter fish for months. The same for the freshwater ones.
Unfortunately, all the LFS that used to be near our house closed. To go to a true LFS with SW I have a 30-45 minute drive.

The Petco near my house <5 minutes has SW but lately their selection sucks. I’m heading to the next closest Petco now and they have a phenomenal SW selection.

Here’s a thread with some pics from my last visit in July.
Many of the fish I have came from Petco. The tiny ones aren't suitable to add in with the ones I have now.
I have to go 45 minutes away in Kentucky to get to a LFS. That is where I brought home the 180 gallon from. In my Subaru Impreza.
Might have to wait for the tank upgrade. Was looking to see how easy the nem would be to remove. Foot is buried in a LARGE KP rock😞
Yeah, nems are notorious for this. Just yesterday I broke up a big rock trying remove a BTA, and still had no joy. Really ruined my day, but I still love 'em!
Not a whole lot exciting for me at Fenton Petco. Did pick up an orange and green Ricordea and a Blasto (I think) frag. The girl gave me 50% off on both. So, 2 frags for $30.

They did have a couple sexy shrimp, cleaner shrimp, a nice Bird of Paradise birdsnest, A. Valida frag, some nice Derasas and a Hippopus.
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Here’s todays additions from Fenton Petco. I thought Blasto, but after getting into my tank, I’m thinking Favia. Then again, I don't know much about anything that’s not acro or Monti when it one’s to stonys.


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Looks like a favia to me. I’d have to look if you want the “name” lol
Friends of mine have great Petco's in their area, me not so much. Mine suck
All but one of the Petcos in our area are not very good to terrible when it comes to SW. This one is pretty good. They also had a Mystery Wrasse that I was considering, until I looked closer and saw it was missing its tail fin. The girl working said it had been in a tank with a Trigger for about a week with no issues. Suddenly, the Trigger attacked it.