Local reefers with well established tanks?


Premium Member
Today we were at Southwest Reef. We'd been looking for a small goby or blenny for our 29g. I had a brainfart and bought a scooter blenny. After my sanity returned, I remembered that the animals sold as "scooter blennies" are actually dragonets, not algae grazers. We don't have nearly enough pods to sustain this little guy.

If someone in the are has a suitable home, you're welcome to him. He's a feisty little guy and he deserves a good home. If we can't find an established tank for him I'm going to take him back to the LFS.

Doug, Scooter blennies are one that can actually be weened over to non-live foods with decent success.

Might want to contact Randy (Reed Mariculture) or Gresham (Reef Nutrition) to see if Top-Dressed Otomhime is available. Looks like a good option. Very new product that looks to be very well receive by tank critters.
My Scooter has been living on nothing but flake and frozen food since the day I brought him home a year ago.
Thanks guys, that's more encouraging than I thought. I'll have to do a little research.

Out of curiosity Soul, has your grown in that time?
forgot about that, mine, before i gave him to my brother was easy to get to eat pellets. i just presoaked so his first bites would be easy (so it would 'melt' in his mouth) and sorta weened him off the frozen/live brine shrimp.