Longhorn cowfish in semi aggressive FOWLR?


New member
Tank stats, about 310 gallons, 190cm W, 100 H, 60 L.
3/4 zebrazoma tangs (yellow tangs, purple tangs etc)
1 blue tang
1 powder blue tang
1 naso tang
1 porcupine puffer
1 dogface puffer
1 volitan lionfish
1 flame angel
1 coral beauty angel
2 maroon clowns
Possibly 1 emperor angel
Possibly 1 Picasso trigger
Possibly 2 blue throat triggers.
I've heard of people keeping cowfish with semi aggresive tank mates before but it seems like a hit or miss. Do you think there is a high risk the cowfish would go nuclear if these were its tankmates?

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I would be worried, yes. The tangs, triggers, maroon clowns, and angels are known to be territorial/aggressive with tank mates. I see no point in risking the lives of all your fish for the chance to keep one that could poison the whole tank.
I would be worried, yes. The tangs, triggers, maroon clowns, and angels are known to be territorial/aggressive with tank mates. I see no point in risking the lives of all your fish for the chance to keep one that could poison the whole tank.
It seems the risk seems quite low though, I've read about 100 posts on cowfish and I've only seen 3 or 4 people say one destroyed their tank.

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