Looking for a host for January Meeting


New member
Ok we know that the Frag Swap is on 1/19 in Nashville.

So we need to find a person willing to hold the January meeting, preferably on another day then 1/19. I think there are a lot of members that are going to attend the Frag Swap.

Secondly we need a topic, so if anyone has a topic they are interested in let me know as well or if you want to talk about a certain topic that would be even better.

Please let me know if you are interested in hosting the meeting or if you have a toipc.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11501087#post11501087 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by zebrafish2
I'm Kathy with a "K".

My apologizes, I didn't know which way you spelled your name so I looked on the Club Members site. Therefore it is all Ryan's fault. :D

Vicki (Reefdiver) was the meeting scheduler so she would be the best person to answer any questions you have.

Previously a DIY show and tell topic was brought up and I thought it sounds pretty good. Anything you have DIY'd to make life easier. Bring the item, drawings or twenty seven eight-by-ten color glossy pictures with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11501366#post11501366 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sperry
twenty seven eight-by-ten color glossy pictures with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one.

So the meeting is at "Alice's Resturant"?:rollface:
For those who have never hosted a meeting> Your only responsibility would be to open your home, car dealership(some of you know what I mean) to club members, on Sat or Sun and you choose the time. You can provide whatever refreshments you choose to. I have seen it be as simple as snacks to 3 course meals (are you out there Roy???). You do not have to get the speaker or the topic. You also do not have to have a large home. Nick had the meeting in his apartment. I was hoping this might encourage some club members to volunteer.

Also Scott, are there not some Oriental Restraunts around with very nice reef tanks? This might be one of those times when we could utilize one of them, if no one volunteers. I will have a meeting in a few months at my home. I live in the sticks in a very simple home that is packed with tanks!!

Kathy, not trying to move in on you, but it looks like Scott is getting a little nervous about the lack of a meeting space!!
Nah, not nervous. Just bumping the thread back to the top. I dont know about the restaurants, we dont have a lot of those in Whiteville and I dont get to the big city very often.
Well I am not sure if this is the case now but I know in the early times of the club we just used the swap as more or less the meeting of the month. It was the general consensus of the members back then that two meets in one month was more than most could attend.

Not sure if that is the case now but maybe get a show of hands of those who would be able to make a meeting as well as the swap or one or the other type thing. Just to see if there would be enough folks able to come first..

I know I am going to the frag swap but doubt I could make a memphis meeting the week after..Jackson area would be okay though.
I can only think of 2 folks folly and hunan on g'town road. My vote is Folks folly as long as the club buys!!!:)
I am thinking I saw on our club site a message about a beautiful reef tank at some Oriental Restr in Cordova. I attempted a search but came up with nothing. Also, Randy Wright at the Dive Shop on Yates had said he would host a meeting at one time. He has a tiny reef tank in there.
ok I found the post from glitzyone here here it is. Let me know if anyone know about this place. I can't find any info on the internet about this place. Not even the yellow pages.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10768240#post10768240 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by glitzyone
Tanks in a restaurants or Dr's office etc. is a great place to give a flyer for the swap. You can print it off of our home page on the swap link and ask for it to be given to the owner. I did this in Colliervile at Lee Khans and she said her husband would be very excited and mentioned the have six tanks at the Cordova location. I told her they needed to be in the club. Wouldn't that be a great place for a meeting!!!!!!:rollface:
They do have several tanks at Hunan on g'town pkwy, and they did have 1 small reef tank, but I think last time I was in there(maybe a month ago)that they no longer had the reef setup, all tanks were fish only.
After a quick poll of the officers, we will count the Nashville frag swap as the Jan meeting and look forward to a DIY show and tell in Feb. at a location to be announced. Now everyone plan on attending the Frag Swap!!!!!!!!