Looking for a motor body for a 9015 or 9020 skimmer


Premium Member
I thought I would kill two birds with one stone.

First: Diagnosis - One pump on my 9020 skimmer has stopped working. When I put my ohm meter across the power leads it reads as open. Pretty safe guess that it has bit the bullet. Any other thoughts be for I drop the cash for a new one?

Second: Replacement - Roger, I know that you sometimes have used or blemished parts around. Any chance you have one of these motor blocks? If not, would you please give me the correct part number for the motor block for this skimmer in the US. I believe that it is possible to buy just the block and to save a couple bucks. The impeller etc are in good shape.

Oops. One more thing I should have asked since I might as well order several parts all at once.

What is the part number for those little brake pads on the impeller? 3000.66?

I got your order, it will ship tomorrow. Everything is correct from what I can see, you will get a US 115V motor.