Looking for a New Skimmer


New member
I need you opinion on witch one to buy. I was looking at the Octopus 150 Skimmer for my 90gal. What do you guys recommend? My skimmer just when ka-put.:mad:
I have an Octo NW-110 and am generally happy with it. The NW-150 should work just fine and is of good quality for a great price. I would do a mesh mod and open up the venturi to get the best performance out of it. Of less importance but still worth while (IMO) would be a gate valve mod. If you have the cash look into the Octopus Extreme 160. They are getting some really good reviews. Both can be purchased at Marinesolutions.com.
Matt (ding2thedong) has an Octo 150 or something like that still for sale, that he used for his 75+30g sump setup. you should give him a shout
I know lots of times you get what you pay for in this hobby but I don't think that is true with Tunze 9010 vs Octopus NW-150. $370 vs $170? Is it really twice as good? Not according to all the info I've come across in the Equipment forum. But I guess having said that I really want to avoid the great "what's the best skimmer" debate.
LPSluver, For me space was an issue therefore this was the best choice in skimmers. So far the skimmer has met or exceeded my expectations. Also, you are paying for service. There is very little service if you have an issue with octopus, however Tunze has top notch service.

I wont bring up other non performance/service issues I have with Octopus either. As an engineer, I am sure you respect IP......
I hear yuh...No arguements on Tunze Quality or Service.

IP seems to be a major issue in this hobby. Within the US not as much because our laws are enforable but patents are not honored in Europe and Asia. We see it all the time in my field (Medical Device Manufacturer).
My wet-dry is kinda small, I only have a clearance of 7.5w x10L X 25 H. So, I think I may use a NW 110 or a Recirc 110. I know that you need a extra pump to feed the Skinner. But my question is witch one is more practical?
throw a tunze inplace of what you already have same foot print ( or close enough) i love those things
with a recirculating skimmer, you'd want to feed the skimmer straight with your tank drains. Then you'll finally have a reason for getting rid of that wet/dry :)
Well , I guess its time to gen rid of my Wet-Dry, Whats the cheapest why to go Glass or Acrylic? Who can Cut Acrylic and have a smooth union when bonding them together. Any suggestions?
i would first check out the biggest glass tank that will fit in your tand then make some baffles for it, preferably from glass but acrylic works almost as good, that is from experience.

if you want to go acrylic, try contacting manny "thesaent" , judging from the pics ive seen he does top notch work, dont have his contact info though, sorry